
Music can calm the furry that builds up inside!

I decided to do something a little different in this post... What's so different this time ?you ask.... I'm going to introduce you to two artist that I've come to  love their music one Male and one Female.
Here is My  play list. 
I will kick it of with  Anthony Hamilton- Woo

Too often lyrics can make you think about someone that it didn't work out with. 
Anthony Hamilton - Charlene
Vows these days mean nothing, if you believe in Vows you will be disappointed, simply because they are just lip service of the moment that are being re-sighted, no thought put into them therefore no real commitment, at least not long term.. 
What is really "the point of it all." If you can't say it, she does not hear it.
  I'm just coming From Where I'm from
Just Pray for me!
Switching to my girl
A little Ledisi is right on time to brighten up the mood.
If you are not going through "changes" you are standing in stagnant waters.

Make the "changes" and make things work for you:BRAVO

Seeing the sun in the morning is a blessing that it will be a brighter day for you to enjoy: 
It's Alright.
I will conclude my playlist with this one: Stay together if you can.

 That's all folk I hope you enjoyed my playlist.

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