
A Female with story telling Skillz, is in great demand.

The following are a few things I have learned over the years. Don't ask me how many years , because that will  reveal that I'm  a dinosaur. I've spent many moments talking to women about their relationships with other guys over the years, simply because I'm easy to talk to. While many ask my advise they also told stories that I found fascinating.

A woman with Skillz, seldom tell her stories with details.
Sometimes a woman casually refers to things like "twisting the tiger's tail" or "resonant orgasms" as if her girlfriends know exactly what she means. (Many of them won't betray ignorance but will say things like "Oh, yeah, twisting the tail, love it," then Google the technique later.) In this way, their talk functions like a Tupperware party: A leader spells out tips for her crew, and the pointers trickle into the homes of many. It's a pyramid system of carnal knowledge.

If, however, they try something on you fellahs, that's obviously newly acquired, and  grimace as if she were assembling an Ikea Armoire from 18 pages of diagrams, you should feel free to gently show her how to do it better. Or in some situations just let her  off the hook (she does not know what she is doing) and into the next activity.

In terms of  skills, it's true, there's the occasional superhero who lifts cars with a finger and flies over tall buildings (or however that translates sexually). That man who  lets a lady go first, or who can go again and again, and then again, or who is diabolically dexterous, is welcome at her dinner table.

But a skill or a tool without a heart behind it is worth nothing. In all honesty, women talk more about a guy in general, soulful presence in the office than they do about how fast and accurately he creates a spreadsheet.

If you've got a new skill, by all means, break it out. But do so with respect for the mood, and for her reaction; if it's not working, let it go.

The Naughty Story

Often a woman will tell a friend a kinky story piece by piece, gauging her listeners, pulling back if she senses disapproval, and elaborating if she perceives approval. She'll be bragging as much as trying to figure out if what she did was night or even legal. This reminds me of being 10 years old and eating an ant on the playground for a dollar bet; it took many telling of the story, testing my listeners, to determine if I was being cool or I was a loser.

That's because inside each one of these argyle-sock schoolteachers, there's an Amsterdam hooker wearing a gold thong and suspenders. Inside her is a office-suited librarian re-shelving books of 18th-century poetry. And inside of her is an 18-year-old Iowa cheerleader on some sinful mission in her Chevy Corvette. And at the heart is Eve, barefoot in an orchard.

Like a set of Russian dolls.

It's not just that society likes to get two antithetical things from women; women want to be two antithetical things. This results in a kind of organic and fun schizophrenia. And if you can just go with it, everyone might be very happy.
They hash out the naughty stuff with their  girlfriends because even a hedonist occasionally feels an amphitheater of superego judges watching her. And then they have a crisis of confidence about whatever lascivious thing we\they've done: She knows she did the beautiful, raw, rude, ecstatic thing, but did she  do the right thing?

If they go out on a sexual limb, it's amazing when you assure her it was worth it. Tell her you loved it. In 5 minutes, then tell her again.

Debacles and Damage Control

She drunkenly wet the bed. You pull out your house keys and Viagra spills like candy all over the floor. She finds a scarlet negligee on the bathroom doorknob, an earring glittering in the sheets.
She's going to talk about it with someone . She can talk about it with her friends, or with her mother, or on her widely read blog. So it never hurts for you to be the one to bring it up, make light of it if necessary, or gain back her trust if possible, because then you might be the only one she talks to about whatever happened.


We Men might be confounded by the Victorian lace of logic women cite in the average sexual anecdote: If you likes doing that to her, then she LOVES it, and if you love it, then it's all she wants; but if you don't really like it, she can't enjoy it knowing that you're not enjoying it.
If women get a faraway, concerned look in her eyes at some pivotal moment in bed, she might be thumbing through a virtual, heirloom manual of dirty etiquette in her head, looking for the chapter on whatever she is about to do, or what she just did, or what she wants to do. Tears may flow be ready to console her.

Storytelling 101

What might take a man a minute and a half to tell his friend becomes for a woman an hour-long story. She'll tell her  friend everything from what gin was in her martini to whether the guy pulled out her chair to how she ordered her steak cooked, and eventually get to how many times she came, and how hard. This reflects the truth of women's sexual reality: Everything matters. including passing out afterwards, and waking up on a park bench the next day.

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