
At what age and what point are men most honest?

Are you  working on going out on the chase again? .
Act I: As a man who has been though a few stages in life already .  I think I can honestly say this stage,  that I'm in right  now is when I've been the most honest. Simply because I have more important thing to think about than trying to play games, and having to remember the game that I'm playing and on who I'm running the game. "Honesty" in my book is the simplest path one can take. I was listing to the video clips   below and  realized even when we men are at the stage that we should be mature enough to be doing the right things we still have disclaimers.  It boils down to what kind of services the woman can perform for us that will make us  happy. Not one of these guys talked about anything that they would do to make the woman happy. they may not realize that this is the 21st century. Women are not  thinking about being servants or  a freaky playmates to men. Strangely enough I have known this for years. as a  Younger man while  trying to be a bachelor,back in the day . My MO was to cook a woman a  nice meal myself,  clean my own house and do my own laundry, and make every encounter with her coming over to my dwelling a romantic one.  When the right music is playing during dinner that I prepared from scratch It was always obvious to the girl/lady  that she was not needed for domestic stuff. but her company was most appreciated. I carried this right into my marriage, and after my divorce picked up where I left off. Which during marriage  may have spoiled my wife, this what her mother told me all too often. My defense has always been "an Independent man will never go hungry. and have all dirty clothing sitting in a hamper when he needs something to wear... and suffer because his wife is mad at him and  wish that his partner would stop being angry with him and to do those things he needs. Do them yourself and claim your Independence.  As a matter  of fact do it so well, that she might feel a huge loss when you are not there to do those things that you don't mind doing for her. Iron her blouse so well that she will always ask you to do it.  Now you may not want to do.. so that should tell you something that she may not always want to do the things that make you happy. You see when you reverse the process ( reverse engineering) you can always identify why the women get so disgusted with us. and to be clueless is to never think about it from her perspective.      

Act II: Acting like your marital status serves two purposes is just a contradiction.  Once again I know how well this  stuff works. Having lived in  3 major metropolitan cities... during my early single years and when I was  first married,  I was taught  many lessons. When You travel as man for business and you have that look that women are looking for. Your marital status is not their problem, it's your problem when you let someone provoke you to chase her. Men chase naturally , married or single we chase, even if it is in our minds. We may stop chasing for a period of time after we first get married..and are happily in a monogamous relationship. Why?  Well we have what we think we want... because we chased her until she caught us and got us to commit. But then our natural chasing engine stopped being idle , then it restarts and  kicks into gear after a period of time, we go looking for trouble. Well you can chase your wife over and over again. in 1-2-3-4 stages. Lets face it we as men are delusional most often . We think just because a woman talks to us that she is interested in us personally.  She might be interested in something...but not in having you as her man. You might be able to help her further her career (career goals are high on women's to-do-list these days.) You might be able to show her how a good man behaves, she might be interested in so many  different things you might have to offer but these things  may  have absolutely nothing to do with replacing your wife.  A  Rude awaking hits you in that stage when it's almost too late.  She did not want me, she wanted what I could make happen for her. <smirking> I know  what I bring to the table, what I bring is Experience, and Independence, maybe  I even  look good enough to  be attractive still in someone eyes. but that is all aesthetics!
 Act III: Even women believe if they were men they would be creeping! There are a lot of things that are guaranteed killers of relationships. There are, of course, the obvious ones like cheating and lying. But a new study says that the biggest potential killer of your relationship could be a new trend called “phubbing.” What is phubbing? Phubbing is the term used to refer to people who ignore the people around them because they are too absorbed in their phone screen  It’s a portmanteau of “phone” and “snubbing!”  this is what happenswhen technology makes it easy to step out on your partner. 

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