
Dating VS target practice.

So what is the difference between “dating” and “target practice.”
From a man’s point of view, it's a matter of how much information he has on her,
well actually it’s how much info  he assumes he knows about her.. Or, maybe her culture. 
Women who are subjected to “target practice” may not even be aware of the reality in which category
they fall, as men are in hot pursued of the “cookie”. Please allow we to explain.
Having seen this over and over…. for years. We men see women in categories.
Personally I have lived in diverse communities, where guys pursue women based on
what's in their minds as the category of choice, for example, 
A hot Latina female, a very sexy blond White woman , a Black Goddess, even a Indian queen.

“She is looking my way, that must mean she will be an easy targeted hit!”
  She is not in the category for “target practice”, if she is seen as a Goddess, or a queen.
However if she had a reputation of having had sex with multiple men in her past,
then she is most likely a subject of target practice. A man will see her and think only
about having sex with her for his pleasure, he might change his mind and change her classification,
i but the label as a connection link to her past will continue to swirl around in his head.
Men do not see a “queen or a Goddess” in that way. We want to “date her” in pursued of marriage or
at least long term dating her  having kids with her, with the end result in mind being a forever after.
Men do make exceptions but generally men do not change their internal classification of women
permanently. Take for instant a man who got together with a woman and she gave him an STD,
he knows she did not get it from just sitting on a public toilet seat.
He might get treated and may even forgive her, but hd will not trust her based on that experience,
it will always linger in the negative, in the recesses of his mind.
When men have had locker-room conversations about a female,
and suddenly someone points out that she had  consensual sex with multiple guys (like a gang bang)
at least two at the same time, that whole picture of her with multiple guys will never
go away from the recesses of the man's  mind. Men think about the many ways she and he
had sex and what she enjoyed most, that her sexual experience
was based on her previous experiences with multiple guys at the same time.
He will not be able to get those images out of his head. We can thank “Porno stars”
for having created those images, and now men are projecting them onto the women they
want to chase, not sex that is based on a love. Having a woman of a  some cultures that projects
Latina Hotness, ok let me clear here, not all Latina women are the same, or Jamaican dance hall
sexiness and a “Trini dirty wind” these images may linger as all women from those cultures,
regardless of their skin color or curvy figures, that they are the same…..
These generalizations may linger for a very long term. So Remember that ladies….
when you are portraying yourselves as this or that, and whatever the latest fantasy classification comes
into play on social media.  You may never be able to get away from “the labels.” 
Hmm! Or is it the reverse?

How often have people generalized based on their experiences?
Many keep projecting their experiences in general on someone new, just because the look
like someone else  they had a good or bad relationship with.
Not all of a culture is the same!

We men have one track minds,well at least that is what most women think.
We like to live out our fantasies, in real life. Whereas women have fantasies also but are often
apprehensive in letting members  of the other gender know what their fantasies are.
So because of women’s apprehension, women of more open minded cultures often attract
the men away from their own kind. Women become the object of “exotic”sexual desires
and even some things that might be classified as “freaky.”
Women will draw the line of not allowing themselves to be with a man who might have
dated a woman of another culture, even if they know that the man was only “target practice.”
In a woman’s mind he target practiced to sow his wild oats… and not that he
has satisfied his lust he wants to settle down with a Queen.
But, She might not want a recycled player!
So another culture might work well, the next time around.

My ex-wife should see me now, she could never match up to this Hotness!”

Why is that? Simple answer: it’s mainly because the “target Practice “ which is based on Fantasy,
Freaky fetishes, it’s, what in a man’s head… not his heart.  
You will never hear a man say “my heart is telling me I have to marry a sexworker from the Orient”….
Even if he does fall in love with a sex worker and help her turns her life around, but his buddies
who know she was a sex worker will always remind him that they too had sex with her for money,
before he came along and married her. 

For some men it might become less of a problem but even in a man’s older age he might still walk
into a bar with his lady and have other guys look and whisper “there goes that fool who’s current
women was someone I paid money to have sex with not too long ago.  A woman might say
“as long as it is washed after two can use it!” hmmm?
Is it Unfair? Yes it is! But since it’s still a man’s world, women have to live with the perceptions  
of once having been subjected to “target Practice!”  They are forever labeled.

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