

Women these days have feminism narcissistic tendencies, demanding RESPECT. So I'm calling these woman out. 

The following points will show how  todays feminism actually damages today’s women rather than help them.

They are too vain.

Modern women drown in their own vanity with depth that has no end. Women constantly post pictures of themselves on Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder to fish for ‘Like’s and compliments. They are absolute attention whores who can’t get enough of the attention they are given by all the desperate simps. Their vanity distorts their perception about themselves and turns them into narcissistic demons.

some women  don’t always want children

It’s women’s biological function to have children. The fact that many women today are barren because they sold their souls to education and career makes them miserable as they are fighting their biology to live a life that is unnatural. And with every criticism, they’ll scream louder and louder to drown out the ticking sound of their biological clocks.

They spend their entire adults lives pretending.
Modern women pretend to be capable, they pretend to be strong, they pretend that they’re not offended, they pretend they’re happy, they pretend they’re in control, they pretend they’re not sluty, they pretend they’re a good person, they pretend they know what they’re doing with their lives, and this goes on and on. All this pretending is taking on toll on their lives and the only way they know how to cover it is by pretending even more.

They  have too many ridiculous fake standards

In a feminist world, all women are “ fake beautiful” no matter what. So it begs the question: is there actually such thing as an ugly woman or is calling every single woman “beautiful” a way of living in a pretend world to preserve their egos? If a person told me that a hangover vomit was just as delicious as a cheese cake and that I shouldn’t be so judgmental, I would declare that person severely ill in the head. But this is exactly how thousands of feminism-infected women go about with their lives, describing fat, Phat short-haired, tattooed girls who look deranged as “beautiful."
Do not mess with me!

Some women drink too much alcohol and  do too much prescription drugs

With women today drinking just as much as men, or more than men... while doing other drugs both prescription and illicit, it’s no wonder that more and more of them are becoming unstable and crazy. Are we really to believe that a cocktail of vodka, birth control pills, antidepressants, and other chemicals will not lead to devastating hormonal and mental health consequences for today’s women?

They have unrealistic life expectations

Women are bombarded with lavish lifestyles shown on television and magazines that they seem to expect them as being normal. All women want the perfect man, the perfect career, the perfect combination of clothes, the perfect house, the perfect wedding, the perfect life. And if you ask them what they’ll do to achieve all that, they’ll give you a dumbfounded look. They’re women—they expect all of it to be delivered to them on a silver platter. They’re not supposed to make the effort.

They are short-sighted

Some women are fused with consumerism which  tells them that they can have it all and right now. Women today rarely think ahead and seem to believe that they’ll perpetually live the life they had in their peak years of teens and early 20’s. They do things obsessively because it signals status, but they don’t care that it will make them look a decade older in the future. They sleep around thinking that they should have all the fun they can have, but they end up destroying their ability to pair-bond. They spend all their money on frivolous objects like their 120th pair of shoes, but they never save up. These Women never think ahead because they expect everything to work out and be saved by men from consequences.

They are slaves to corporations and governments

You can tell the feminists millions times that women are happier at home raising children and they’ll just snap at you in anger to deny the truth. No matter how stressed and miserable they are, women will always defend their corporate and government jobs like how some abused women defend their domineering husbands. This is the power of todays feminist indoctrination.

Final Conclusion

None of the above wouldn’t be so bad if it were just these women who are facing the consequences brought upon by their   narcissistic actions. But no. We as a society must all pay the price—especially us  men. Men must work like mules to finance women’s frivolous lifestyles, men must try their best to normalize sex relationships to start and maintain stable families, men must pay taxes so that women can live off of government benefits, men must modify their behaviors so that women don’t feel “offended” or “harassed” in any way, and should our society fail, it will again be the men who will have to defend women and rebuild everything.

Narcissistic Feminism is destroying womanhood, and therefore, family and society, and it is only the men who are capable of putting a stop to this rabid sickness.

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