
which gender falls madly in love, most often.

It maybe "a Man's World but without a woman to fall Madly in Love with it is nothing.

 Given todays Mental health issues with   falling MADLY in Love. Is it really a good thing?

We all have been through that feeling when we get with that someone we believe is special and our stomach is filled with  a thousand butterflies, or we literally skip a heart beats when we see them.

And no matter how lame their jokes are, about you being smittened, we react favorably . However, there are many times, when we just don't want to accept that we are falling madly, deeply and truly in love with this person. So if you are still confused and looking for signs which will make you realise this wonderful feeling, then I list down some pointers for you which will help you to understand your feelings much better.

The Phone has become your new companion: How often do you eagerly wait for someone to respond to your messages, Emails or call you back if they have missed your call? If there is someone in your life, whose call, message or simply a text lightens up your day and thus making your phone your constant companion in every situation, then this is a clear sign that you are falling for this someone special.

Here are some signs that you are madly in love, or delussional.

-You take a little extra time to dressup just for them: While there's nothing wrong in taking a little extra time to dress up and look your best, you are always extra careful of looking perfect and smelling divine whenever you are about to meet them. While normally you may not give that much attention to your dressing up, when you are about to meet them.
- You Take special interest: You mentally and physically start taking notes of their smallest likes, dislikes and interest. Though this may sound a little weird, but it doesn't sound that weird when you are in love. You make sure that you know about their interests as that you will help you to add up those extra brownie points in your favour.

-You look for signs: No matter whether you believe in the term signs - when you are in love looking for small signs and gestures become inevitable. You are constantly looking for signs and actions from them that may say that they too have, interest or have fallen in love with you.

- You Re-reading old text messages: Though, this may sound like the stupidest thing to do in the face of earth, to read and re-read old messages, it doesn't seem that stupid when you re-reading a cute message that was sent to you by that special someone. You end up reading these messages in their absence so as you don't miss them that much.

- Seeing or hearing Their name cheers you up: The mere mention of their name cheers you up! No matter how  busy you are even if you hear their name in someone else's conversation it instantly lights up your face and may skips a heart beat.

-Women! Who can figure them out. While some are big on hefty paychecks and flat abs, some are looking for more than what meets the eye. Here is the extra something they are terribly, terribly attracted to.

Gray hair: In today's time and age, there are many men who like to colour their hair black. But why should they when natural graying is so attractive to some women. Guys, please make a note, grey hair makes you look charming, suave and experienced. If you need further proof that it is the new prefered black, a survey by Match.com found that a whopping 72 per cent of women think gray hair is hot!

-Sweat: Sweat can be oh-so sexy! . I saw  a younger woman get goose bumps, in the gymn just looking at me while sweating  profusely.
Blame it on androstadienone as researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have found that this chemical in male sweat causes women's hormone levels and sexual arousal to hit the ceiling. But please don't throw away all your antiperspirants, discretion is recommended! 

 things she might be attracted to

-Scars/tattoos: If you have scar anywhere on your body,or you use a tattoo to draw attend to it, am certain, at least one woman has asked you for the story behind it. The reason being - women love mystery... and the more dangerous it is, the better  they liken it to manliness, which is always sexy tp them. However, refrain from telling her about the silly little scar on your forehead as she won't be impressed by your drunken- fall-in-the-garden tales.
-House plants: A man who takes care of plants and is conscious of his environment is an instant hit with women. It takes a patient, affectionate man to grow healthy plants and that he has a nurturing spirit. Experts say that if you can take care of your garden for only 30 minutes a week, it can improve your health and performance in bed. 
-Eyeglasses: Times sure are changing - as now it's time for the bespectacled fella' to take centre stage in a woman's life. Women are more attracted to men who wear glasses than those who don't as they appear intelligent. And, if a man is intelligent, it means he'll more likely to make a witty conversation and appear mature. 

Final Thought:
Love can be a euphoric feeling, also. It can trigger immense devastation when the other person does not return the sentiment. Many people have felt the pain of a broken heart and the intensity of infatuation. Obsessive love takes these emotions further, causing a person to fixate on their loved one as though they are an object or possession.

Forming a definition of “madly” in love has eluded philosophers for centuries. Likewise, there is no single list of criteria that can distinguish obsessive love from real love.

Love is a potent force. People with feelings of love experience a rush of dopamine and other powerful brain chemicals.

For some people, these feelings are so powerful that they become obsessed with keeping and controlling the person they love. They may appear to worship their partner at times, but become angry or jealous at the slightest threat.

One hallmark of obsessive love is its focus on the partner as an object for “consumption” or ownership, as opposed to an equal. Rather than loving the person and wanting the best for them, people with obsessive tendencies may love the other person because of their own needs.

This, in turn, may mean that they show little interest in the other’s well-being.

The following are some other distinguishing features of obsessive love:

Real love requires compromise and negotiation, while obsessive Mad love demands that the object of affection submits to the demands of their partner.

Real love prioritizes the other person’s well-being, while obsessive love may involve physical violence or emotional abuse.

Real love involves accepting the other person and acknowledging their flaws. Obsessive mad love may involve worship and a refusal to acknowledge any flaws.

In some cases of obsessive love, there may be “splitting.” This occurs when the person sees the object of their love as perfect one moment and evil the next.

Obsessive love makes it very difficult for a person to let go. Although breakups are usually painful and can trigger unhealthful behavior, people with feelings of obsessive love may refuse to accept that the relationship has ended.

Obsessive love sometimes involves a relationship that does not actually exist, such as with a celebrity or a stranger.

If thoughts like "You are my everything" are floating through your mind you might be in more trouble than you first thought..


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