
Things Insecure People Do On Social Media, they want attention they don't often receive


I know they can't miss the matching shoes

When connecting with a friend or acquaintance on social media, you learn a lot about them. Some of what you learn are things that they intend to share. Other times, you’re exposed to shortcomings and insecurities they unknowingly communicate through the things that they post and the way in which they choose to use social media. We all have moments of insecurity, unfortunately, instead of dealing with those issues, some use social networking platforms as a crutch to make themselves feel better. Continue reading for ten things insecure people do on social media.

Don't you think I'm sexy!


One sure way to recognize an insecure person on social media is that they overshare. They go to painstaking measures to share details that no one would have ever asked for. More often than not, it’s because they feel that they have something to prove.

Guess who I'm thinking about right now


The most insecure social media users often resort to lying and misrepresenting themselves on social networking platforms. Sometimes, they go out of their way to tell lies. Other times, they just go to extreme measures to make their lives appear a certain way. Usually, these people aren’t leading terrible lives IRL, but their ridiculous need to impress others causes them to overcompensate.

Selfie overloading

Many love a good selfie, but insecure folks need constant affirmation from others. As a result, they become obsessive with the number of selfies they post to their pages

He can't mistake this for the right clothing

Overpublicize their relationships

There’s nothing wrong with showing your boo a little love, but people who flaunt their love on a regular basis are often doing because things aren’t measuring up behind the scenes. Couples who are settled in stable relationships don’t really see the need to overpublicize their love to the masses

He told me he loves every inch of me!

Going off about other people not supporting them

Some people need constant validation and when they don’t receive it, they feel abandoned and lash out. These people are usually easy to spot on social media because they post frequently about people who don’t support them, fake friends, and their so-called haters. They are also good for reposting memes about people who don’t like their posts.

I know you all are jealous that I have  this fit figure and you don't.

Final thoughts
Can  today's women be too over confident, which can cause them to be over bearing?
These traits are becoming more the norm with today's women, which is a good thing as it helps women to realize their potential. On the other hand, there can be too much of a good thing. Feeling overly confident about your abilities/ looks can also result in increasing stress, making mistakes and hurting potential relationships.

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