
is he being disrespectful

What is this guy showing the rest of us?
Being critical of a woman's body is unnecessary. What you are being critical about she has been doing for years to herself. We men who are critical about a woman's looks, need to leave her alone. You would not enjoy her if you are constantly seeing things wrong with her. 

I don't agree with the philosophy that women should love what they see in the mirror especially when they are a bit on the heavy side and the skin around their stomach is a bit plump.

I think every woman should care about how she looks if she wants to realize a comfortable level of success and self-sufficiency. Quite a bit of research has tried to determine how many seconds it takes before a person forms a judgment of someone they meet. Their brains calculate your value in terms of age, social standing and how approachable you are within thirty seconds or less. Princeton psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov say first impressions are formed in less than a few seconds

Final thoughts

We MEN do not fully understand how women feel when they are being judged and they are alreadt critical of their looks. So we need to not add to the woman's stress. She may not like your looks all that much either. Ask yourself how you feel when women do not show you RESPECT as a man. Women value admiration as much as men value respect!

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