
Leave them alone, if they are not in the mood to chit chat.

Fellas, hold the happy hour pickup lines. New research suggests that corny approaches are less likely to work on people when they’re burnt out—that is, mentally drained from a long day at the office—than when they’re more alert.
 ‘‘I don’t normally come up to people like this, but I couldn’t resist,”
‘‘Hi, how are you? My name is____,” and, ‘‘Excuse me, what time is it? I just wanted to be able to remember the exact moment that I met you.” (Smooth. Real smooth.) ---->you will only impress your boyz if they are standing at the end of bar  and listing.
The most successful approach on a tired lady? ‘‘Hi, how are you? My name is____.” this pickup lines can be seen as a negative first impression, and if she’s groggy, she’s going to be even less game to play along.
My friendly Bartender at a place I use to hang, played a joke 'of stay away'  by pouring multiple glasses of wine in font of  his lady sitting at the bar and lined them up. and said: "I will run you a tab, you can pay when you have drank all of these"
Every guy in the place just stayed away from her all night
OK not all is lost these days, you can still get a ladies attention if you are real.
Your best move: If you’re hitting up a post-work bar full of people decompressing—and aren’t the type to pull off a cold-turkey introduction—keep it simple by asking a question she can easily answer. Flash a smile to come off happy and confident, then try something like: “What are you drinking? I’m not sure what to order,” A question about your environment will provoke an easy answer, and you’ll be able to quickly gauge her interest. Even if your mind is clear, you might picture her like this Godess sitting on the top of your leather sofa later, but she might have other plans for the evening. So read her body language.
I guess you get my drift.

We are living in the Tech age and everyone is texting all the time. So if she is not interested in you she will show it by using her smartphone to "shoo  fly,  shoo" you way.

These are 4 New Tech Rules Every Man should Follow

It’s happened to all of us. You’re at dinner with friends when one  won’t stop texting his/her friends and Instagramming pictures of the chicken parm.

The whole “Tweeting while eating” problem has gotten so bad that a restaurant in LA is now offering a 5 percent discount for diners who literally check their phones at the door. While we love a good deal, that seems a little extreme. Like technology itself, the rules of how and where to use it are ever-changing,  Here are four everyday tech etiquette problems, and creative solutions for each one.

1. Stack ‘Em Up
The situation: Your friends won’t put their phones down during guy/gals’ night out.

The solution: Upon arrival at the table, have everyone stack their phones in the center of the table to form a tiny tower of technology. The rules are simple: The first one to answer their phone, shoot a text, or even glance at their screen must buy dinner or the next round of drinks. (During family dinners, the loser has to empty the dishwasher or vacuum the house.) This is easy for someone like me. I usually turn my phone off when I'm in good company.

Stacking is a really cool way to up the ante,  There’s a sense of humor to it,  but there’s also a real sense of consequence—and that makes it more real for people.

2. Two Can Play That Game

The situation: You finally catch a free night with your old college buddy, but he  won’t stop checking the score of the Yankees game.

The solution: Discreetly take out your own phone and shoot him a text message. Something along the lines of “Hey, I was wondering if we could actually chat with each other” should be enough. (Feel free to add a “The Yankees sucks on ice!” for good measure.)

What the experts say: Try a funny little poke that jolts some awareness back into the situation. Avoid complaining. Chances are your friend understands why his constant phone use is rude, but he just needs a reminder.

3. Peace Out

The situation: You’re in an important meeting with a client or coworker who’s glued to his/her BlackBerry.

The solution: Mirror his/her  lack of respect for your time by saying, “I’ll let you take that, and I’m going to leave. Let’s reschedule for another day.”
 You don’t have to sit around and wait for people to take phone calls. It’s okay to reciprocate the rudeness they’re exhibiting by establishing that you have other things to do, too. Don’t be over-the-top rude—just remind your colleague that you can meet later.

4. Create a Tech-Free Zone

The situation: You can’t get your daughter’s attention for 5 minutes without being interrupted by her smart phone chirping or tablet chiming.

The solution: Create a tech-free zone. Designate a time period (like right after school until dinner) or a physical zone (like in the car) where anything with an Apple logo is absolutely off-limits. It’s important to set boundaries. While tech connects your kids to people around the world, it also disconnects them from the folks who live in their own house. Setting up a distraction-free is a crucial part of teenagers’ social learning.

So what am I saying here... We need to disconnect from the realities of today's  Tech World and take a moment to interact with real people once in awhile.

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