
She Does not Want A committed relationship,So why is she Acting Like Your woman?

This just makes me  go... "Hmmmm!" in a deep voice!

Sounds confusing, doesn't it? Like what the hell is wrong with this woman? Whenever you want to discuss becoming her  boyfriend and taking things to the next level, this woman insists she is not looking for a relationship. For whatever reason she decides to give you (i.e. too busy, emotionally unavailable, past hurt, etc) she doesn't budge from her position of not wanting a boyfriend right now. For some of you it’s cool but for many of you a relationship is what you truly desire.Regardless you continue to deal with her and it’s like you two are basically in a relationship. You hang out, talk, and does things that a girlfriend and boy friend do, which leaves you wondering where is her head  really at. This woman even gets bothered and shows some jealousy when you talk to other women. So again what the hell is her problem? Why does she say one thing but she is showing you something else? Why won’t she just officially make you her man and stop sending you mixed signals?

Here is the reality for most of you that are in or have been in this situation. This woman is telling you the truth when she says she does not want a boyfriend and a committed relationship. Why? Because you are not her First choice! She is not prepared to be obligated to you or to commit to you. She wants to be able to deflect your questioning of her actions and her whereabouts. If other men come along that she wants to consider engaging with; well she wants to be free to do as she pleases without any valid issue being raised on your part. What her actions are showing you is that she still wants the benefits and comfort of a relationship. She may still wants the sex, companionship, and all the other things that a steady boyfriend provides which makes her feel good when she needs it. She likes the security of having you around and he will always have a fall back as long as she keeps you close. It really is as simple as that. If that woman wanted to be in a relationship with you then she would make it happen. Hell some gals, in the 21st Century, don’t even really want a relationship yet they will still lock the man down to ensure that they get what they want. So if she is not prepared to officially make you her man then her mindset is clear, and you should take this woman at her words. Now this not new this is  how men behave for years.. stringing along some women, holding on until in their view, someone better comes along. So we guys need to be questioning why the tables have turned... now that women have options and are in positions to exercise their free will.
Let me make something painfully clear to all the women and men reading this. Most women don’t have to like you to   have sex with you, ask any hooker. Most women can enjoy your company yet never want to be in a serious relationship with you. That same woman can become jealous and territorial if you talk to other women, yet at the same time want to have the option of having sex with another man. I tell you this not to come off as negative but to share with you a harsh reality. It is in your best interest to understand that if a woman is serious about you then she will be prepared to take actions to back that up. She will be prepared to make you her official man and treat you as such. She will be receptive to your feelings and just as concerned about your desires as she is about her own. If you continue to give a woman  benefits (some would say husband like benefits) without any commitment then many women are likely going to take it. Her decision to go along with this should not be confused with some secret desire you hope she has to one day be with you. You can continue to give and give and give yet still find yourself many months later with no relationship and possibly with her moving while making some other man her man. If she has not made you her man after a good amount of time what makes you think that continuing to give her benefits is going to make her change her mind any time now. She told you she does not want a  permanent relationship, right now with YOU,  so why are you still essentially giving her your undivided attention? A woman's first choice is never the one she make  "her permanent significant other." Se reverses that  option for her "Last Choice..." even then she might still be questioning if she made the right Choice.
If you don't  understand. then stop thinking like a man. Woman change their minds as a habit. Try Observing women in a shoe store. they have to try on every shoe in the store before they decide on which one to buy... Why would she settle for the first good man that treats her right? These days she has options.. because she is independent and self indulging.. she can reject and decide to give you test run .... 
I know many men may be saying “why can’t women just be  honest about what they want”. Technically the woman in a situation like this has been honest, They don't know what the want.. but they do know who they don't want as a permanent escort for life. She told you from the get go she did not want a permanent relationship, with you. If you choose to entertain this woman and it all ends in disappointment she still can say “well I told you I did not want a committed relationship”. The confusion comes from not understanding how many women (in the 21st century) think. Just like a lot of women cannot  have sex without emotions, some women can engage in relationship behaviors without getting caught up emotionally as well. So if you want a relationship, then don’t make the mistake of accepting less than what woman officially making you her man and behaving as she should in a relationship. Stop holding on to false hopes and giving benefits to a woman that is not prepared to make the necessary investments in you. she is being clear on what she does not  want, so now you need to be clear on what you are willing to accept, or not deal with. The choice is always your choice.. choose wisely!

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