
A Man Who Will Love You Forever, or until his term expires.

Ladies There is nothing better than being in love. You have a bounce in your step, and simply thinking about him sends you to Cloud 9. Finding Mr. Right can be challenging, but if you are fortunate enough to pin him down, here are eight definite signs that he is yours for keeps. 
Hmmm, wait...  my Bad thoughts on that statement just makes me question what "for keeps," or "forever" really means.
Being a Pampered Princess

Does your guy make you feel like royalty even when you are not so charming? If so, then it’s a pretty good sign he wants to be with you forever. Most men will be nice, but it doesn’t mean he is thinking long term. It’s when he has no problem showing you and the rest of the world (even his friends) that you are his queen.
Let me  just say... I'm a romantic guy... maybe as much or more than the next guy. If  I'm really into a woman I give her  mucho attention. Just a  quick reference. Back in the day in my other life, My  then-wife received a gift on the 28th of each month for a full year when we were first married., and then every quarter the following years until  way after my second son was born   This was my way of  assuring her that I was going to do right by her. It also helped me remember when our anniversary was..... the 28th of June. I've been divorced for 10 years, and I still remember.. the date <smirking> it's Amazing what self-programming does...but she stop getting the treatment she received from her pampering  Prince, once my term expired. 
The Couple
When a guy uses “we” instead of “me”, it’s a surefire sign he is head over heels in love. Men who only refer to themselves aren’t really worried if it turns sour. Men who are committed want people to know he is off the market and has no problem saying it.

This is called syncing with a woman. we men know that most women don't believe that we  will be in total sync with her for very long.... unless the feelings are true. If we are in sync then we can see a future together.another  example: there is storm coming, and you have difference residences. When your guy offers to come over and secure your place (first)  ahead of time before  his own. you know he cares about your safety. He might even offer to ride out the storm with you at your place, forsaking his place.   
Hold on to me and watch your step these rock are slippery.
Let Me Help You
You can bet your bottom dollar that if your Prince Charming is all ears when you have a problem, he is in it for the long haul. When he stays awake wondering how to solve your problems only to make you happy, he is in love.
Ok, when a man is protective and not possessive, we will do these things with out much thought. for exam I would suggest to a new girlfriend to get an App call companion  which makes her feel that she can turn it on at  anytime she want to feel safe. It will allow me to react if she needs me at any given time.  The security that brings is that you can count on me when you need me.  
Talks About Your Future
Men who are simply killing time with you until something better comes their way, don’t talk about where he sees the two of you in the future (unless he is a sociopath). Men who think they have found the one will talk about things down the road like next Christmas or where to go for summer vacation. This is a definite sign you are the yin to his yang.
The wonders of planning  for the future....brings into play those things that you see just up ahead and those things you can just imagine long term .  Yin and Yang bath tub  with the right color  mood lighting.  If a man  takes the time to understand what  giving you a pink rose means for example... he is seeing a strong possible future with you.

In Tune
Sure, your man thinks you are a beauty, but does his face light up when you enter the room? Men who are totally gaga for you simply radiate when they see you, and they can’t hide it. Even when you look like you stuck your finger into a light socket, in their eyes, nobody compares.
An attentive woman that would take a minute to pick up some Starbucks and says coffee/ tea or Me..  is  someone a guy will stay gaga about a long while.  
Oh Those Four Little Words
He tell you that he thinks you are the one. Not to be confused with talk about the future, but when used in combination, it’s highly likely that somewhere down the road, you will be seeing some bling. (Think diamonds).
Questions what is your ring size? and he has one of those ring measurement  charts. and ask what is your favorite cut; Pear, round, oval or  Marquise diamond
Just You
He holds your opinion in high regard, and you are the first person he wants to tell everything to. Good or bad, you are his rock. Thumbs up!
The value a man put on  his ladies opinions  is paramount to him thinking  we have a future  that can take us  off into the sunset! 

His family hints about how he feels about you. You know, when he walks out of the room, and his mom tells you that she overheard him telling his dad that he thinks you are the perfect woman for him. Keep in mind ladies, this is probably the only time you will appreciate her eavesdropping.

Once a man makes sure his closest folks approve of thee,  you are in the house...  with the  major stamps of approval.. believe me this is huge!
So, if you have kissed your prince and he still hasn’t changed into a frog, it’s safe to say you found a winner.
And If  "All of Me" is playing in his car
 you should be jumping for joy!

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