
Hey dear Love!

I can so relate to these lyrics (the baritone voice of the Boyz II Men rapping at the beginning of the song ) this   smooth deep tone is so my brand.

I've been watching you from a far,

for as long as I can remember

You are all a real man can need

and ever ask for

this is love
this is more than a crush!

As I listened to this song (below) I was reminded about how many times, as  a guy, I  would observe a woman  from a distance and wish I had the chance to say those words  to her... without sounding corny .... these days lyrics like these are so old school.
But how does a man approach when he is not sure, the  female body language is a very foreign language . Maybe a few pointers might come in handy to understanding the signals.

Learning What she Is Really Saying By Reading her Body Language, but if she is only accessible on social media...... you have to start reading her mind.  Good  luck in that arena! 

People aren’t always outspoken about how they feel, in fact, when it comes to how someone is feeling about a potential  relationship, the body always sends cues long before any words are spoken. Bodily cues fall into a more subconscious display of emotion, and people use this subtle dance to communicate moods, feelings, and other information. Correctly interpreting your potential partner’s body language will allow you to be more responsive and attentive to their needs. Here is a description of  some body parts to help fine tune your observation skills.

Eyes are perhaps the most telling of body parts. There is a balance that must be maintained between too much and too little eye contact, as too much can be disconcerting and too little shows a lack of interest. During large social interactions, happy couples will often find each other’s gaze and maybe add a wink or knowing smile. Eye contact is also kept while being affectionate . People  that might be feeling distant will avoid too much eye contact. 

Since so much communication is done via social media, looking at pics can give you some clues, are the eyes soft  when looking directly into the lens of the camera, or....?? One may have to rely on the other indicators, like the surrounding in which the pics were taken, those indicators could tell you a little about what the eyes are telling.  

While looking at the eyes, don’t forget to observe what the eyebrows are doing too. Raising the eyebrows conveys interest and enthusiasm. Furrowing the brow can indicate disapproval, but also deep contemplation.
One may have to rely on the other indicators on social media, like the surrounding in which the pics were taken, those indicators could tell you a little about what the eyebrows are telling.  

Wrinkling of the nose is a dead giveaway that someone is displeased or turned off. Watch carefully for any nose twitching or upturning. As a big fan of a woman's nose, I can figure out which of the situations are  happening when I focus on the nose I can detect what the eyes may not be telling me ... As the saying goes. "only the nose really knows what goes on behind closed doors" or in this case locked mind.   

The Mouth
Pursed lips show tension, as does kissing with firm lips rather than softening them. If you and your partner have great harmony while kissing, then it shows you’re both on the same page when it comes to feelings!

Even though the lips are colored to draw attention to how sexy women are, it's the head tilt and the eyes that will give you the go a head to approach, or "get lost"  

The neck not only keeps your head poised to show confidence, but it also keeps the head from looking at the ground or sky. Looking down or up can show disinterest, but sometimes looking down can be an endearing sign of shyness.
A soft look with the head tilted upward towards you.. ( OK a man has to be above average height to cause her to look up) and make eye contact....... denotes you might be in the running.

The direction which a person leans can send strong signals about how a person is feeling. If your partner keeps little space between you, then that shows they feel attracted and comfortable with you. If you sense an increase in distance, during sleep, dining out, or on walks, then that’s a sign something is amiss.

Once again the new way is to watch out for  the series of pic on her social media profile, many pics with girl-friends could indicate available but not necessarily lonely, or desperate. women Lean-In comfortably  with their girls.    Judge carefully because you never know these days. 

Hands are another very expressive body part that are important to observe. Hand gestures are used to emphasis when we speak, but can also be used as more subtle body cues. Does your partner affectionately squeeze your hand, or hold it firmly? Or, does your partner hold your hand weakly with space between the palms?
Reality is… her body might not be available, but her heart might be. There are signs to look for to help you make sure that you’re not just the rebound guy , which is rarely permanent.

Quick note: 
Heads up Ladies.... The man that take the time to throw all of your favorite songs in a mix  can create a Love-You-Mix.. just for you and builds it as an App ( this requires Skills) that you can download on your devices... this is a dude that thinks about you through every song he selects. This is not even close to what the dudes (back in the day) did who could play the guitar and serenade you out side of your bedroom window, with his versions of a "sensuous storm." Ooh wait why learn to play the guitar when you can use a beat box these days.... ( shortcuts never really work very well)  

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