
Things a Woman Should Master Before Trying to live with a Man

Finding true love is an experience that most women desire in their lives.

It helps them build a solid source of loyalty, unconditional support, and emotional security that provides genuine happiness. However, experiencing a fulfilling love life takes dedication. In our society, real love is painted as a fairy tale and this superficial image often gets etched into our minds early in life.
Women are subconsciously fed the notion that a Prince Charming will come along and sweep them off their feet and they will live happily ever after. But it doesn’t always work that way.
Many times it’s because the man was no good or was playing games. However, oftentimes good relationships go sour because women haven’t built themselves up enough yet to handle the ups and downs and sacrifices involved in a committed relationship.
There are many different aspects of life women must understand before experiencing true love.
Here are seven things a woman should master before trying to find the right man.

How to not make being in a relationship your main source of validation.

This is an important one. Some people (especially women) allow loneliness to make them desperate for intimacy and attention. This often cause women to settle and jump into a relationship just to say that they're in a relationship. Women have to master defining themselves without having a man on their arm. This will transform them into  women who are 100% capable of bonding with the RIGHT man when he does come along.

How to be strong by yourself.

This one is a no-brainer. Learning how to live with yourself, love yourself, and reflect on what you need to do to become a better person is one of the best skills a woman can have before falling in love with someone. Once you master this you will have the wisdom you need for self-betterment.

How to overcome your weaknesses.

Nobody is perfect. Everybody has their flaws, but it’s not good to embrace them too much. Learning how to admit your weaknesses and dedicate yourself to turning them into strengths builds your character. “you don't get blessed for  sinful mess” is how my grandmother would put it. And a woman shouldn’t expect a real man to clean up all of her messes. At some point, you have to perform actions that prove you’ve learned from your mistakes as a woman.

How to manage your finances.

Black women are getting educated and increasing their earning potential at an all-time high. In fact, recent data has revealed that Black women are beating out ALL other groups, no matter the race or gender, when it comes to overall college enrollment.
Black Women are, as we should be taking full advantage of these opportunities in order to have our own financial security. One of the worst positions you can put yourself in is the position where you have to depend on a man for money, food, and housing. At that point, you set yourself up for all forms of abuse and manipulation. On top of that, numerous studies have shown that being college educated significantly reduces your odds of getting a divorce once you’re married.
As you can see, being educated is great from all angles. You have a stronger relationship, more freedom, and your income rises.
However, learning how to manage all this money we’re making as a result of our education is something we should also be focused on before finding a man to fall in love with.
Eliminating poor spending habits, taking care of debt, and properly budgeting your expenses are things a woman needs to master before getting involved in a serious relationship.

Getting closer to your sense of spirituality.

Whether you’re a religious woman or not, the truth is that a spiritual connection with a higher power is fundamental to life. Getting closer to this higher power is a great way to build yourself up and establish your true blessings in life.
A family that prays together stays together. Black women should all focus on getting their spiritual houses in order before trying to find true love.

Your level of confidence.

Women can have their self-esteem damaged severely after they’ve had a failed relationship. This is a vulnerable position to be in because it can blind you and cause you to discount your true worth. If you’ve just gotten out of a bad relationship you should focus on increasing your level of confidence before moving on. No matter how much a man tells you how beautiful you are, it doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t honestly feel that way on the inside.

Need to know How to manage conflict.

You have to know how to “fight right” if you want to have a lasting relationship. This trait comes from having experience. Learning it takes maturity and hard work. You also have to know how to better communicate your feelings and be fair when you’re trying to reach a resolution to a problem. When one or both partners aren’t effective at managing conflict the relationship is doomed from the start.

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