
What does culture have to do with successful unions?

To some folks it might be every thing... while to others it may not be that important...
How often to you see a happy couple who have been together since High school still enjoying each others company?
Looks great doesn't it?

What makes their relationship work so well?
For one.. They have grown together
* please note I said grown, not just grown up . People who have been through ups and down and have weathered  the storms that relationships go through know that togetherness is way better than separate...
When folks are of different  cultures they might try to make a life together work. But  they sometimes discover their differences at some of the worst times in their relationships. Which adds to the already tough situation. Picture what goes though each person's head when communication breaks down.. Each starts thinking it's their partners fault that things are  no longer in that honeymoon status. Or when derogatory names are on the tip of their tongue during angry moments. You may start name calling in your native language which  is never a good thing. But if your partner calls you a derogatory name in a language that is not you native language but you understand what it means then it  stings even more..doesn't it?

He's on the phone talking about me to his people as if I'm not even here! 

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