
If you are "a legman" raise your fist and bark.

Why Do Men Find Women’s Legs So Alluring? And what exactly does it mean to be "a legman."

Researchers have spent far less time studying men’s attraction to women’s legs than the typical man on the street devotes to gazing at them . . . and maybe finding himself spellbound by them. So—to heterosexual males at least—what’s so special about female legs?

In preparation for this post, I first examined what evolutionary biologists have theorized about this phenomenon, and found most of their findings limited and inconclusive. Two of scientists' discoveries, however (see, e.g., “Why do men lust after women with long legs?”, Quora.com), seem to confirm what most men (lay experts that they are!) already grasp intuitively. That is, studies have shown that (1) men prefer women with longer than average legs, and (2) they also favor women who have a higher leg length to body ratio —and, interestingly, the opposite is true of women 's preferences.

Still, my later investigation of several Web forums centering on this age-old, so-intriguing topic was much more fertile. And they are what constitute the main focus of this post. In essence, what I learned from these forums is that a man’s bestowing so much attention on a woman’s legs is perhaps best understood as a kind of sexual “visual foreplay” for us.

Curiously, many forum respondents contrast women’s legs to their breasts and buttocks (in the vernacular, commonly referred to as “T & A”). In these comparisons, female legs are generally perceived as more suggestive, sensual, and seductive—whereas T & A are viewed as much more “in your face” sexual. One discussant, for example, sees women’s legs (along with their eyes) as representing the very “core of feminine sensuality,” proclaiming them a “soft whisper,” compared to the “loud trumpet” of more intimate, or private, parts of the female anatomy (see “Why do men find women’s legs so attractive?”, Quora.com).

In another forum (“Why are men attracted to women’s legs??”, Armageddon Online Forums), a respondent, obviously puzzled by his primary erotic preference, notes: “I love everything about the female body. However for some reason, a sexy pair of legs is the first thing that grabs my attention . . . but why??” And, though hardly conscious of it, he partly answers his own question by admiringly describing women's legs as “slender, soft, smooth and perfectly toned.” Moreover, he and many others allude to the length of  female legs as itself contributing to their magnetic appeal and depicting an ideal of feminine pulchritude, which may, in fact, explain why tall fashion models far outnumber smaller ones.

As much as the above is all truth... depending on a man's culture, the preference's to how  long the legs are can also be debated. Shorter thicker legs in high heels , can jump out at you and can cause a man's heart to start racing. Which will also be another blog post topic, if can find cultural preferences that are opposites..

It’s fascinating how many discussants on this topic seem to regard a woman’s legs aesthetically almost as much as they do sexually—as “monuments” of, or “testimony” to, a woman’s general comeliness or beauty. More than a century ago, Freud was so bold as to link the human aesthetic sense to sublimated sexual desire. And though there may be some question as to just how “sublimated” we can consider a man’s attraction to female legs, there’s no doubt that such an attentional focus is at a farther remove from other, more direct, points of male sexual interest—or to the sex act itself. To return to what I. described earlier, wondrously gazing at a woman’s legs might have mostly to do with a man’s innate attraction to the sensual, rather than the more explicitly sexual.

Yet, regardless of how this attraction is appreciated, the word that probably best characterizes such an allure is tantalizing—or, in some cases, taunting. Note the words of this respondent: “With clothing, legs can . . . be both revealed and concealed, which makes them almost uniquely empowered to allow women to tease and seduce men and inflame our imaginations. Legs being long, short, just enough visual shapeliness , can be revealed to draw most men's attention.

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