
A man who looks up to his woman speaks volumes with his actions.

What it means if a man looks you up and down? If you (as a woman) have recently noticed a guy looking you up and down your figure you might be wondering why. This post will try to help you figure that out and to make sense of it in the future as it happens.

So, what does it mean when a guy looks you up and down? Possible causes of a guy looking 
you up and down are that he is attracted to you, he is initially observing to see if you’re 
a threat or that he is observing your outfit.
When trying to figure out what it might mean it would be helpful to observe other aspects of his body language. By doing so you will be able to get a number of other clues as to what he is thinking. 
There are a number of reasons why a guy might look you up and down and each of them will
most  likely come with a number of clues in their body language. I will mention a number 
of reasons that a guy might look you up and down along with body language clues to look for.

He finds you attractive

If a guy looks you up and down it will often be the case that he finds you attractive. 

If this is the case then he will likely show a number of other signals that he finds you attractive

 in his body language. These can include:

  • Having dilated pupils when talking to you
  • Getting anxious when you’re with other men
  • Pointing his feet towards you
  • Pointing his toes up when with you
  • Standing or sitting near you
  • Mirroring your body language
  • Glancing in your direction often
  • Finding excuses to touch you
  • Speaking with a deeper than normal voice when with you
  • Holding eye contact with you for longer than normal
  • Standing with his hands on his hips and his legs apart when speaking to you
  • Talking to you more than other folks

If it is the case that he looked you up and down due to attraction there may be some other clues that it was the reason. It could be that he asks his friends about you that you were dating in the past.

He’s observing if you’re a threat or a treat.

When people see new people for the first time they will often look them up and down simply to observe whether or not they are a threat, or maybe a treat. This is a natural and subconscious process that takes place that humans have evolved to do.

It could be that this is the reason that he initially looked you up and down.

If this is the case then he would likely have a neutral body language to you and that, 

when he looked you up and down, it was quick and only occurred once when he first saw you.

He’s nervous to talk to you

It could be that he looked you up and down due to attraction but he is nervous to talk to you.

If this is the case then he may show a number of signs that he is attracted to you but he 

would also likely show a number of signs of being nervous as well.

These can include:

  • Frequent blinking when talking to you
  • Rubbing the nose, eyes, face, upper legs, neck and arms when around you
  • Tapping his feet or fingers
  • Talking at a higher pitch that inflects upwards
  • Fidgeting
  • A lack of eye contact
  •    He finds you interesting, and sees you as a queen.

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