
Is true Love real or a mirage?

So you've met this great looking lady a few months ago, and everything on the surface seems great. However, something in the back of your mind tells you that the oasis of love seems like a mirage, yet you cannot quite put your finger on it. Have you really found the sweet water of love amongst hundreds of square miles of dating dry desert? The following red flags tell you what to look for in the grander scheme of things.
The following are Signs You Haven’t Found True Love, (Even If You Think You Have)

1. They do not read your mind.

No, not like Mel Gibson  in the movie “What Women Want.” But how can anyone possibly enjoy a special relationship with a person who do not have those “you read my mind” moments every once in a while? Having these moments shows how strong a connection you both have, and the feeling when it happens is the ultimate in possible soul mates. It almost makes the intangible tangible. One look is all it takes for fireworks to go off in your mind. Of course, it is not the be all and end all but not having this happen is not a good start.

2. There is zero chemistry.

We need physics to get to chemistry. Therefore, if your magnet of attraction is not functioning correctly, how can a chemical reaction occur in the brain? This applies even more so when you are in a oneway relationship. No chemistry makes a relationship go stale and be lifeless in less than no time. We only get a maximum of two years’ worth of chemistry from Mother Nature to establish a relationship between soulmates, after that we must put in the serious effort. However, people sometimes go on autopilot romantically because “we have them”. Unless you are a necrophiliac, this becomes a soulless relationship.

3. She never compliment you.

Mother Teresa once said, “there is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.” We want the people that we care about to feel great, do we not? The best way to do that is to compliment them. An example for the ladies: “You look beautiful in that red dress.” And the fellas: “You are so amazing taking me to the  park on your day off.” It is a little reminder that they are essential people in our lives. If that rarely happens, let alone wanting to bring you down a peg or two, you must ask yourself why.

4. You feel judgment instead of love on a consistent level.

“That cheese you are eating stinks more than your awful smelly feet. Put it away and take a shower.” Being judgemental is like cyanide for relationships, except the poison is gradual and it gnaws away at what you have with your beau/bella. Many believe love is putting up with, sacrificing, tolerating, or suffering in silence thinking their commitment is proof of their love. This is not love.” Do you think that this constitutes a special relationship? Understanding, seeing, hearing, and accepting someone for who they are is love. In other words, talking to your sweetheart and calmly conveying your dislikes can promote individuality within the two-person union. Mel Gibson is shouting, “Freedom!”

5.Your lover seems to forget your existence, when you are apart.

Out of sight, out of mind? You should not be. They say relationships should be fifty/fifty, but does your squeeze put their hundred percent into their fifty? That text in the morning tells you you are in their thoughts. Bringing soup or going to the pharmacy for you when they are ill implies that you are also there during the bad times. Remembering the great time you both had at the beach and laughing about how they beat you at the game you both made up (you let them win, of course!). These are just three examples of how much you mean to them. It is all about how high you are on their list

6.You are finding yourself forever explaining their actions to others.

Friends and family mention something to you about their behavior and you explain why, making you feel like you are caught in the middle. You make excuses for why they treat you the way they do. You have to reassure your loved ones that you’re with the right person, instead of them being able to see it themselves from the way you two behave around each other and the way your partner treats you. It does not matter whether their behavior caused tension, anger, confusion, perplexity, or just plain old curiosity, soulmates do not need to do this on behalf of their other half.

In today's World where social media has become the judge and jury on love relationships, it is often where your relationships are evaluated. If  one of you donot post your picture together at the beach ... it might cause emergency sirens to go off, like someone just set off the fire alarm. Check for the red flags!
I'm not as into him as he thinks I am there but there are more possibilities left to explore!

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