


1. She should not have to Compete WITH YOUR PHONE
It is a lifeless gadget connecting you to people that are less important to you than your spouse. Yes, use your phone to do business, to connect and catch up with contacts but learn to frequently put it down and give your spouse your full attention 

2. She should not have to Compete with YOUR EX
Your ex is your past, your spouse is your future. Stop frustrating your future with a door you should have closed and left closed 

3. She should not have to Compet with YOUR WORK
It is good that you are working hard for your family but have a balance; lest you win at work and lose your family. Win both at work and at home

4. She should not have to Compete with YOUR PARENTS
You left your father and mother and became one with your spouse. Your parents had their marriage, now you have yours. Respect your parents but maintain boundaries. You are the bridge that fosters a good connection between your spouse and parents

5.She should not have to Compete WITH YOUR PAST ISSUES
Heal from your past, carry no unresolved issues forward to the point of harming your relationship with your spouse. Don't punish your spouse for the pain others caused you

6. She should not have to Compete with YOUR CHILDREN
Be an amazing parent but also remain an amazing spouse also. Don't let your children make you two drift apart. Deliberately make time away from the children. The children will soon grow and move out to form their own lives and talk to you less, your spouse is the one to grow old with. Children are a fruit of your marriage, your marriage is not a fruit of your children

7. She should not have to Compete with YOUR PASTOR OR MENTOR
Don't listen to your pastor and mentor more than your spouse, don't let the voices of those meant to bless you override the one God has blessed you with. Honour the ones who pour into you whilst respecting the one you are building life with

8. She should not have to Compete with YOUR FRIENDS
Have a health social life but know that your spouse comes first. Don't join your friends in belittling your spouse. Have many moments where your spouse can see you choosing him/her over your friends and most likely your spouse will be comfortable you hanging around them 

9.She should not have to Compete WITH YOUR LUST
If you ever get tempted, let your love for your spouse call you back to order. Don't let your spouse compete with pornography or your masturbating hands. Let your spouse be your sexual target

10. She should not have to Compete with YOU
Yes, grow as an individual; but show your spouse that you are a team and you can make room for her. Don't be that person obsessed with winning arguments. Listen. Protect your spouse from your bad traits.

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