
A good meal isn't just like any kiss. it's special

a good cooked meal can mean a whole lot to a man!
Do wait to make sure she means it as specially done for you, her guy!
If she does not mean it... it will not feel right! With so many good women to choose from, making a right choice can be a challenge. 
in the history of many cultures these days women out number the men 10 or greater to one man.
Even in major cities the numbers are staggering where women out number men Women are sharing men because there is a shortage, not always because they want to share.
So if a woman has a one on one relationship it is ideal but to expect it is asking for a whole lot currently.
Women who have a special guy need to value and respect him. If not you might lose him to another woman who will respect him
The exchange of POWER is actually a collaboration between the male and a female.

Final thought.
The only time that men and women were equal was when Adam & Eve were in the  garden of Eden. After that too many women were occupying the Earth and men went to war and they died early which started the trend of more women than men. Well that is my thought! I cannot say it as a fact! I wish I could prove it.

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