
Is it over or you are just hoping for the impossible?

So how do you make the decision whether or not to pack your bags and head for Splitsville?
 'The Plane is fueled and ready are you ready to leave Sir?'
You’ve Given Up Hope 
Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. And hope is a like a bottle of Gatorade—it’s what fuels you to do the hard work necessary to keep the relationship running, like having tough conversations, making compromises, and digging up some seriously painful dirt. Without hope, a great marriage—let alone a shaky one—just won’t work. 
You Keep Bringing Up Old Issues
If you keep bringing up ways she’s scorned you in the past, that’s a major sign of resentment, Resentment often stems from one partner or both partners not feeling understood, or as if what matters to them is not valued. In order to begin to move past resentment, each person has to feel that they have influence in the relationship. They need to feel that their dreams, the things that are important to them, have equal value.” Do you hate that she spends so much time with her friends? Ask her why. If you learn that it’s because she wasn’t close to her family growing up and friends became important to her, you’ll understand that it’s not because she’s ignoring you.
She Acts Like You Can’t Do Anything Right
If she’s dwelling on the negative—criticizing, being defensive, or stonewalling—she’s not going to recognize the still-great things about the relationship or your efforts to make things work. There’s even a name for this state—“negative sentiment override.” If she’s in it, she’s 50 percent less likely to notice neutral and positive interactions, further sending the relationship into a tailspin, according to research from The Gottman Relationship Institute. (If you know it’s over, then you need to get back in the game. 
You Think about a Life Without Her   Daydreaming about a bachelor’s life? It could signal the beginning of an emotional divorce, if not an actual divorce. If you find yourself thinking about the alternatives, emotional detachment, negativity, and a loss of hope are setting your marriage up for failure.
She Keeps Things to Herself
Has she stopped talking to you about the small, silly stuff in her day? Successful couples know each other’s inner worlds. Not chatting about the little things is a serious sign of emotional detachment.

Start  Speed-Walking
Check the track for your exit.
Women look first at your attire and second at how you walkSo make sure to start your roll out by test walking. Confident people are not in a hurry. But there’s a difference between meandering and walking slowly with purpose. Always walk as if you know what you’re doing and where you’re going. so if you are ready to leave bring in Your secret weapon next time you go for a walk: Your dog. Not only do you appear more approachable with Fido by your side to the females out there,but it also indicates that you are moving with your best friend and you have made up your mind that it is over. 'Fido come with me.' Your wing man (dog) 
 Learn the word to this John Denver song if you are not sure.

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