
I am not a Super hero


there was a time when I thought I could be a super hero to a woman. She would come to me for all that she needed. As time passed I realized that this was not possible. when a man, like me, feels he can find answers to most problems, he is most motivated when others need him.
As a youngster I loved superhero stories. I loved to watch superman on TV, I read the comic books. I love to watch action movies because I can imagine myself in the place of the heroes. Through their stories I can have great adventures and do mighty deeds. It was fun, but it  is, of course , all imaginary. When a man grows up and starts growing older he realizes that image he has projected over years and years is becoming less and less possible. Now here is the wonderful part. when a man reads an adventure story or see a movie, in his imagination he puts himself in the place of the hero and pretend that he can do the things that he can do.  there is a something that someone once told me: "The Me I see, is the me I will be!" A few years ago I was in  a situation while I was married and a woman and I became friends, she was very unhappy in her marriage, we worked for the same company. She often came to me and asked me questions  about the relationship she had with her husband, because she saw me as a guy who always had answers to what she was experiencing in her marriage. So I was her office husband.What I later realized was that her attraction to my problem solving abilities become a real attraction. We had a relationship for many years.... I will not state what kind of relationship, but I think you can guess. she still had that delusional image of me not too long ago. We are now older and both of us are divorce but she is living with a guy, who idealized her from when they were in school, yet when she found me on Facebook, she became infatuated  again. because she saw me as this more mature  guy who was still the same as she remembered.  I told her that I was a dream she had when she was younger and I was never that superhero... I just was able to help her when she need someone who could do thing that her husband was not doing and was not willing to do. She had  the best of both worlds a husband who was there but was not her ideal husband and she had me on the outside and I fulfilled her fantasies, so why not have both.     


I am still the kind of man who is good at solving problems. But my muscles are losing strength,  Yes I can still pick up a woman when she is down but I'm not a Super hero who fixes all that she needs I can try but I come with a disclaimer these days: " don't expect a superman with an "S" on my chess." I am  less like that guy now that I know that the possibilities of resources stretching further  than they could when I had resources that did seem like they were enough a few years ago.

I still wear a suit well, but the younger than my age face  features I had is no longer. So this is  making less  easy to play the part of a super hero. My only reminder  of what I am cable of.. is my history that doing smart things and making less mistakes  is the best way to go.


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