
Here are a few Things a Woman Should NEVER Get Confused about.

Alicia Keys sang, “A real man knows a real woman when he sees her.” But what she did not know is that a real man was going to go and write a book and tell these young girls to think like a man, causing them to get totally confused and make twerking videos on Youtube.
As Santa says: Ho,Ho, Ho (three times) he does not mean act like a "Ho." Basically,you have it all mixed up. We can’t continue going on rants about how lost our young ladies are without taking the time to show them the way. So I took it upon myself to compile a small list of the preponderance (you like that word, huh?) that has our young ladies baffled. No, I’m not excusing men, but Rome wasn’t built-in a day, so work with me ...... here. For young girls who don’t know and for grown women who want to help out those following in their footsteps, these are the things you should NEVER get confused about.

1. Stop confusing Sex  for Love: If  He drinks a Red Bull, stretches, and even keeps his Timberlands on; then acts like everything but a gentleman in the bedroom until  your toes catch a cramp.  But thinks of you as a "Ho" make no mistake, his heart is in his chest, not his underwear. 
2. Stop confusing Attention for Loyalty: “But he’s coming home to me every night” Equals  the cry of a woman who forgot her worth a long time ago. A man will have sex with your sister, drive home with the gas money you gave him, and say “Baby I had a long day, I just wanna cuddle” when you try to give him goodnight sex. You think that attention he’s giving you means you’re not sharing him with someone else? Yeah. .OK, think again.
3.Stop confusing a Real Gangster for a Real Man: Some girls want a guy to “put them in their place” like a parent does a child. A real man wants a woman who knows her place is by his side. REAL difference!
4. Stop confusing Good looks for Beauty: You may go through life gracing every mirror you walk past, but if you treat everyone like they’re beneath you, you will be wondering in a few months ..... "Why did 't the mirror tell me, my looks  was going to change like this" and you are alone.
5. Stop confusing Compliments for Respect: He went and ‘liked’ all your bathroom sink mirror pics and recited a couple Drake lines so you think it’s real huh? The more you blush, the more he’s going to tutor his homeboys on how to get you to have sex after he tells you he’s “just not ready for a relationship”.
6. stop confusing Nice personality for Good character: He can make you laugh. Check ~. He’s smooth with words. Check ~. He’s witty and can hold an intelligent conversation? Check~. But on that weekend you’re on your period, will he turn down those thirsty chicks he used to have sex with that never learned to let go? They are one text away and may even bring a girl friend for s threesome. ~check ~ 

7. Stop confusing Lust for Chemistry: You know that tingly feeling you get when you first see him. Everything just seems right about his smile, his walk, and the way he looks at you? It’s called hormones, not love at first sight.

8. Stop confusing Cockiness for High Self Esteem: A BAD b!tch has nothing on a woman who knows she’s a queen. Period.
Well here comes that hug your Dad would give you after he gave you an a$$ whooping and told you you’d thank him for it later. 
Ladies, stop getting things mixed up. No, it’s not your fault you have to decode anything, but it’s better to know now than to be left feeling lonely years later running into the arms of some man who just is not for you. Knowing the game keeps you from having to play it, and if you don’t play it, you’ll never lose.

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