
You've got a good woman, try not to blow it?

Good women aren't nearly as hard to find as good men. But even though they're approached often, when they're happy with what they have at home, they don't entertain outside offers.
Secure Women look at  being  approached as a form of flattery that They can do without!
So you think I'm hot... thanks but no thanks

Unlike some women who only want a made man, good women have the ability to invest themselves into your dream as they build their own. So as long as you already have a plan and the drive to achieve it.

It's easy to go out and find women that will stroke your ego even to a fault, but a woman who loves you so much she'll tell you what don't want to hear, but need to, is much better.

So we are done?  

At the first sign of trouble, some women will leave you out dry. They want nothing else to do with you. But good women are able to speak life into the vision you once had and help you keep it alive

With a good woman, their eyes are on your heart, not your wallet, and not your status. Her affection comes from a place of long term commitment, not flimsy admiration that could be gone tomorrow. That's something you can trust in.

You are the one for me, baby!

It may seem cool to your friends that you were desirable by many women, but we all know that sex with feelings involved trumps all. When a woman knows your body, everything that you like AND reserves her body for you and only you, nothing can compare.

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