
The Single Most Damaging word That Can Ruin Your Relationship

You should do what say!
Allow me to state the following is strictly from my Male perspective:
In most relationships, there are often a number of different words that are thrown around in the heat of an argument. Empty threats are often made, which can range from ending the relationship to leaving permanently. Although it can be easy to use hurtful words when dealing with conflict, the word “s-h-o-u-l-d” will  have a most  harmful effect that can have long-term ramifications.
When it comes to how you view your significant other, it can be easy to always think of what they lack in and need to improve on as a partner. For women, it can be easy to assume that men should be more romantic, help more around the house, or open up more emotionally for a closer bond and connection. Men can often expect women to be less clingy or reduce their spending habits. On each side, saying the word “should” consistently can ruin the relationship and cause more damage than expected.
If you consistently sing the word “should” it comes dangerous due to the expectations that it immediately puts on another individual and can make it easy to see the person as lacking in their commitment or what they bring to the relationship. Instead of having a positive perspective of the person, it can be easy to see them as someone who is not competent enough, and lacking in areas you deem important. Although the word “should” may seem minor, it’s the complete opposite of being thankful for the individual and for what they are successful at as a partner. This can easily cause turmoil and bitterness to develop for a relationship that will likely fail after a period of time.
Although it’s normal to have expectations of a partner, the expectations can often be unrealistic or out of reach.  Women tend to have more needs than men, resulting in men feeling like it’s impossible for them to meet every request or demand from their partner. This often results in divorce due to two partners who do not feel respected or appreciated with the factors that they are actually strong in.

Would you please do as I asked?
What should be noted is the tone that is used when the dreaded word " should" is use. The Phrase  "image is everything" come to mind as  words combines with tone    creates images in the mind of the person being addressed. Images of someones short comings are never appreciated. When a person is told things that they lack, their minds automatically go to images that they themselves may have doubts about, hearing it confirms it! You are reinforcing rtheir thoughts  of short comings.  Simple suggestions try substituting "should" with " could" and "would" . instead of  "you should pay more attention," try --->  " Could you pay more attention".... or.... " I would appreciate it greatly if you could  pay more attention" the reaction  will automatically result in less resistance.


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