
Telling Signs Your Relationship Is Meant To Last!

Despite those fleeting moments of our lives, we all want a relationship with someone special to last. But how do you know if yours will?

Between adult responsibilities, raising kids, and taking care of ourselves and our partner, it seems that staying in a relationship comes with more challenges than ever before. So, what makes the difference between relationships that only last a few months and those that stand the test of time? Well, trust, respect, and true love must exist for it to last, of course, but you can go by the signs listed below to know if you have a serious relationship or not.
We just have to make time for each other.
The many challenges that this world, we now live in presents, can sometimes require that the man has to become superman and the woman has to become wonder woman (you just hope she does not wonder too much about you) . There are so many war-fronts to deal with, most couples have to balance work, raising children and having time for each other... This  can wear down both individuals to a point where you both start expecting the other to do more than is possible, which can cause resentment. Family life can become  too demanding. 


I'm looking at the best thing
that has happened to me in my life
In the “talking” phase of your relationship, you probably talked to your partner about your hobbies, interests, favorite memories from childhood, and what your family is like. Sharing these things with your partner helps them get to know a little bit about you as a person, and likely set the stage for a second date. Somewhere down the road, you probably wanted to know them on a deeper level and get an idea of their core values and morals. If both of you have very different interests and hobbies, but connect on a deeper, spiritual level, you will have a higher chance of making a lasting connection than two people who have no core values in common. In other words, the way you choose to live your life should match up with how your partner chooses to live theirs. If both of you have the same outlook on how to handle finances, how to raise children, where to live, have similar spiritual practices, and have the same general outlook on life, you will probably be able to maintain the relationship in the long-term. The main point to take from this is that hobbies and interests change, while core values and beliefs usually don’t. Having these in common is key to making relationships last.
 Look at the same things and seeing the same things can be a challenging in more ways than one. Women are from Venus and men are from Mars.  Let's not expect the impossible. When  you see special things the same, then you know you have something special.  


Problem solved!
If you can still crack jokes and roll on the floor laughing ( OK this  part is expecting a bit much) with your partner after months of being together, your relationship will definitely stand the test of time. The key is that you two don’t get bored with  each other after extended periods of time. Even if life gets in the way of you spending time together, the time you do share is spent laughing, having fun, and simply enjoying the beauty of the world together.

Usually when a couple is thinking together they are solving problems together, when you think alike only one is thinking and the other one is along for the ride and is avoiding to add anything to the process. Because it is almost impossible that a man and a woman can ever think alike....it is best  to be a diverse couple and contribute equally. Now they can always laugh at the same things. 


This one should go without saying, but we thought we’d include it anyway because it’s a key ingredient to a lasting relationship. You can love each other’s flaws and perfections equally, and have each other’s backs no matter what. You don’t put conditions on the love you share, in other words. You don’t stop loving your partner if they gain 15 pounds or lose their job or anything else temporary in life. You love them, support them, and stand beside them through life’s storms and sunny days.
Catch  me if you can!

Hmmm..! I had to think about this one a little, it's extremely hard to find unconditional Love these days, so many channels flowing (like cable TV) into the brain, makes this very difficult. These everyday distractions often are the worst at bringing  about doubt. which can cause the most confident person to  question if  Unconditional love is even really possible. 


You don’t try to change each other, no matter what. You accept them with all of their little annoyances and habits, even if they get on your nerves sometimes. You understand that no one can be perfect, so instead of continuing to search for something that doesn’t exist, you accept your love without question, and focus on their positive traits. Also, you help them work on the “negatives” if they so choose. You don’t want a plastic relationship – you want the real deal – so therefore, you’ve chosen to accept everything about your partner, and not try to force change upon them.
These moments are so special.

Once two people know what they want for themselves, then they are better able to evaluate what their counter part wants. The word "wholeheartedly" is a bit strong in my view. People seldom do anything wholeheartedly when it involves someone else.  Think about this statement for a minute " accept them with all of their little annoyances and habits, even if they get on your nerves sometimes."  When things get on your nerves it becomes an  irritation the longer it continues  this will not suddenly stop being irritating. Only ear plugs can help you when your partner is singing off key in bed and in the shower. 


If you think about being with other people, it immediately disinterests you. You feel so happy and complete in your relationship now, that you wouldn’t dream of being with anyone else. You feel satisfied, alive, and thrilled about your relationship, and want to stick things out for the long haul to see where it all leads. You see endless opportunities in your partner’s eyes, and everything just feels right with them around.
A daily walk bring us closer!

Hmmm! OK. It is not a  big challenge to be faithful. It, however, really takes greater effort to cheat, having to scheme, lie, plot, find a co-conspirator, setup a location, synchronize cheating time, collaborate your story with your co-conspirator .... Wow all that conniving and scheming takes so much work.... ask yourself which is easier! Being fateful or cheating. Having said all that it does not mean you will not admire other people and think to yourself if you were available what would the possibilities be with that other person who has many of the attributes I like. It does not mean you are  unhappy with the person you are with. it just means  you are human and you eyes can make you wonder from time to time. 

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