
“Beloved, your heart chakra is completely blocked!”

Here are seven ways to open your love or heart Chakra:

1. Notice and enjoy love around you.
Whether you are single and happy, single and yearning, or coupled and mismatched, you can open up to more love. Begin to do this by noticing the love around you. When you see happy couples, instead of shooting daggers of jealousy and judgement, take a moment to enjoy their love.
Instead of participating in gossipy conversations about who left whom, talk about who is happy. Re-language your “men are dogs” diatribe to one of positive expectations. Notice positive expressions of love everywhere.
You are helping me  remember what LOVE is!

2. Activitate love with the power of vision.
If you only allow yourself to see what is already manifested, you are missing out. Life is a co-creation. Let your third eye Chakra help to activate your love Chakra by embracing the power of vision. Use your imagination and creative visualization to see the love your want already manifested. Feng Shui for love by creating physical space for the love you desire. Use “love vision boards” paint a picture of what love ideally looks like for you.

3. Count your love blessings.
Instead of counting all the ways you’ve been dogged out or how stressful dating can be, count your love blessings. Have an attitude of gratitude for the love you have rather than what you are lacking. What we focus on expands. Focus on lack and you will create more lack. Focus on the love of your family, friends, pets, etc.
Create a “love gratitude journal” just for noting daily expressions of love in your life. Gift yourself a piece of rose quartz, the crystal of unconditional love, every time you feel unconditionally loved.

4. Get your flirt on.
Flirting, enjoying yourself in the presence of another, is a beautiful and fun practice to open up your heart. Flirting is a divine feminine energy practice. Flirt with everyone from the supermarket checkout person to that cute guy who always smiles at you. Enjoy the feeling of desirability that the dance of flirtation welcomes into your life.

5. Go dancing. 
Shake it up, baby. Both partner dance and solo dance are great for opening you up to feelings of pleasure. Pleasure is considered to be the domain of the second Chakra but it is an essential part of opening up your heart Chakra. Fun sexy partner dance includes salsa and the tango. Sexy solo dance includes belly dancing and pole fitness. Dancing increases our capacity for being in the moment, an essential component of love. Find pleasure in your body, own your sexy, and revel in your beauty.

6. Receive, receive, receive.
Are you able to receive simple things, like a compliment? How we do anything is how we do everything. You cannot be loved if you do not first allow yourself to be loved. Learn how to receive good things without feeling the need to reciprocate. Many of us are champion givers but lacking in the receiving department. Our love lives reflect this. You can’t be both halves of the relationship, giver and receiver, at all times.
Activate your divine feminine energy by learning to receive. Instead of chasing love, welcome pursuit. That’s right. Position yourself to be pursued and receive, receive, receive.

7. Let it go. 
So they stomped on your heart and ate your feelings for breakfast. It happens to the best of us. Please don’t let negative past relationships steal your future. Heal the past and release it. This is the only way to move forward.
Move forward with your therapy of choice, personal ritual, sharing, self-compassion and journaling. Tears, movement, and voice are the perfect combination to release trapped emotions. You may choose to autopsy and symbolically bury your past relationships in the earth or ocean. You may also choose to try heart healing tools like aromatherapy, positive affirmations, Emotional Freedom Technique or the Un-break My Heart Chakra Self-Care Kit.

You deserve to be loved unconditionally for exactly who you are in this moment. Open your heart and embrace the energy of love.
~Abiola Abrams
Is this  Love or Attachment

OK now let me point out why somethings are  not going so well for you in relationships. 

Are You “In Love” or Just Attached? 

Knowing the Difference is very  Important.

Every one of us knows that certain person who jumps from relationship to relationship, and every time, they tell you, “I am in love."

As someone who has spent a good part of my adult life single after being married for a good number of years, I could never understand how someone could be “in love” with all those other people.

I assumed that it couldn’t be love because it was the fear of being alone. I mean, that’s not right. Right?
Well sort of. You can’t measure love with any real calculations. It’s something you just feel.

But what if your feeling isn’t right? What if you are just so afraid of being alone, or so tired of not feeling a connection (regardless of how brief), that anyone who gets close to making you feel safe feels like they are your soulmate?

You know those relationships in the past; the ones you look back on and say, “I can’t believe I told that person  ‘I love you’.” How could you have said those words to someone who isn’t your type, and who you wouldn’t ever want to been seen with again?

The answer is, that wasn’t love. That was attachment.

I am not a love guru and I have no way of telling you if what you’re feeling with your current partner is love, or just loneliness masked in body spray. But I can share some basic pointers. These are the kinds of pointers you would show your friend because, let’s be honest, you’d rather not attend a wedding where the only thing the bride can say about her soon-to-be husband is “he’s always there.” And if you’re unsure about your own relationship motives, take a look at the following list and see where you land on love and attachment.

Love Is Passionate. Attachment Is Apathetic.

When you are in love, there is a fire within you. It can be an inferno of rage, or a kindled sweetness, but there is always that fire. Only when you can say you truly feel something is when you can say it’s love.
I never realized  it would be this way..

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When you are merely attached to another, you never really experience anything close to that fire. You have mild moments of irritation, anxiety, and a slew of other things, but nothing that resembles the blaze within from love.

Love = Selflessness. Attachment = Self-Centered-ness.

Real love is all about the other person. When you are in love, you want to place your partner’s needs above your own. Everything you do is for them and has a little part of you inside of it.

Attachment is all about you. You want someone there for you, want someone to support you, or want them to benefit you in some way. You aren’t looking out for them. You’re looking out for yourself.

Love Is Freedom. Attachment Is Possession.

Being in love is great because you don’t need to constantly be with your partner in order to feel affection, to understand how they feel, or to feel secure. You love them enough to trust the bond.

When you are going through attachment, you feel like the only time you are “okay” is when you are with them. You can’t stand to be apart and when you are apart, you are always wondering what they are doing and with whom.

Love Empowers Each Other. Attachment Takes Sides.

Let me write this down.. I have a second .....
because my baby is in great hands!
Feeling true love gives you wings to soar to new heights. It gives you renewed energy, and a sense of freedom. You share your dreams with your partner and listen to theirs with equal support.

When it is attachment, there is only a power struggle. You call the shots, and you make sure you are never left out. The only decision that matters, is yours.

Love Has No Time-Limits. Attachment Is Timed.

When you feel real love, that’s all there is. Time doesn’t matter. When you love someone, you will always love them, regardless of how things work out in the end.

But attachment doesn’t work that way. Attachment has a deadline -  an expiration date. Attachment isn’t real. Because neither one of you can grow in attachment, the beginning is already the end.

Being in a relationship is never easy 100% of the time. Things that matter take effort. True love is a beautiful and remarkable thing. But just because you haven’t found the real deal yet, doesn’t mean you won’t. Be patient and try to reevaluate yourself and your relationships. If you are in an attachment, let it pass so you can both be open to experiencing the wonder of real love.

Take a little time, but don't take too long to find out what LOVE IS. 

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