
Social Commerce!

Today’s woman has direction, after she has put in the work for 4 or more years for her degree. She needs not wait for a Prince charming to come along.
She is ready for “Social Commerce negotiations.”

A woman who knew a man before he became successful, is always waiting in the wings to remind him that what he is boasting about today was not always his status. A man will remind a woman that his success is what attracted her to him in the first place, not his previous status. He will put another man down who is not as fortunate to have his current status of success. To make sure he puts his competition out of contention. When men and women get into a social relationship they often start engaging in ”Social Commerce.”  They may get together by going to a social meeting place like a bar, a nightclub or even a restaurant . When a woman spots an attractive successful man, she notices that he is well dressed, with a certain gleam in his eye, a swagger to his gait. She might let him strike up a conversation with her. Let him buy her a drink or two maybe three. If she likes him she might even give him her cell phone number, she might even jump on a wim and  head to his place that very night, for a hookup. Or she will flirt, ask him a few questions, determine whether or not his personalty vibes with hers perhaps this would last for weeks, or even a few months. All this is predicated on a set of societal agreed-upon unspoken agreements. People become engaged in”social commerce.” .i.e. he buys her drinks or/and dinner. Perhaps sends her flowers. If he’s particularly well mannered, he will open doors and pull out her chair. But  they are both acting out a game that society has setup as markers. If he were to step beyond the parameters of this prearranged code, she could reject him outright, most likely she will if he simply walks up to said woman and says he wants to take her home to have mind blowing sex with her. How would she respond? She would probably be very annoyed, thinking ” that he is just crass!”  
So he has to play the game where he  first needs to do the things that are socially acceptable, then his chances are better to get her to go along with a proposal for a some physical quality time between the sheets. However if she were the one to suggest they skip the delay and head to her place for a roll between the sheets he would most likely jump  at the chance.You see women now have options. Assuming he is also into her. Most men are not as good at social commerce negotiations, because men are not that patient, and women have the most leverage on "Yes" or "No" negotiations. When a man knows his chances are good, to get a woman to comply, he is willing to invest time and effort. Well  that’s the way it used to be during the previous few decades. Women have been changing the social commerce games to fit their needs because many are more independent, and know what they want.
Stop stalling and just kiss me already!
The rules are not always the same, cultures are overlapping, therefore women can’t always be stereotyped like they were in the 20th century. Men had better know what is acceptable in some social circles before overstepping. 
We guys had  better speak her “love language” with some fluency if we want to grab and keep her attention……

Final Thought

Many women in this modern age are  book readers…If  men are not stepping to these women with a strong vocabulary and can articulate what their desires are… Then these men run the risk of  being kicked to the curb. If men have failed in this area…... then having 4.3 speed and a 40 inch vertical leap is not going to be impressive enough to her…... unless they are in the NFL or the NBA with guaranteed contracts.

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