
Are you feeling like you’re the best version of yourselves when you are able to make your partner happy.


When it comes to having success in relationships, it’s important to be able to relate to your partner and see eye-to-eye. Compatibility is based on many factors, but looking at the signs that are compatible with your zodiac sign is a fun and easy way to get an idea of whether you'll click or clash with someone on a surface level. The astrological compatibility between zodiac signs could even serve as an indicator for a deeper kind of connection — whether it’s romantic or platonic.

Some people are just really hard to get to know. It’s not that they aren’t friendly — if you talk to them, they’re responsive and nice. You may even get along with them really well. However, you can’t help but feel like you don’t actually know them. Although everyone has their reasons for not opening up to others, a person’s zodiac sign can reveal if playing things close to the chest is just part of their personality. The most guarded zodiac signs may take a minute to warm up to someone new, but are keen friends once you earn their trust.

Whether it’s a first date or a date well into a marriage, creating an excellent date can win her heart or breathe new life into a stale relationship. If you want a successful date, it’s going to take both your right and left brain to pull it off. Utilize your creativity, but also thoughtfully plan and consider what’s important to her.

Planning a date doesn’t have to be hard, but it does require paying attention to her. If you want to execute a date and make it special, you have listen to what she says and pay attention to her nonverbal cues.

The following are some ways to make a date special:

1. Do Some Research

The good news is you don’t necessarily have to read a book or scour the internet. Just as I mentioned earlier, your goal is to research her. What kind of activities gets her excited? What kind of food does she like the most? What kind of atmosphere brings her to life?

After you discover her tastes and interests, then you can find the perfect activity. One of the first things I discovered about my my last girlfriend is that she loves vegetarian food. After talking to my vegetarian friends, they pointed me to a restaurant called Café Gratitude. She’d never been before, and it’s now one of her favorite spots. Maybe she loves Italian? Download Yelp, and discover the nearest Italian restaurants with the best reviews. You can also find out the favorite items on the menu as well.

2. Choose Something Active

Dinner and a movie is great every once in awhile, but why not consider a date that activates all of the senses by doing something or creating something together?  I started a dating list with some fun and active ideas, but some of the most special moments  I have together with women I had fun with are simple things like taking a walk around the neighborhood or going on a hike. Activities take away the need to check the phone, and focus the date on each other. For those of you guys who have physical touch as a love language, active dates provide more opportunities.

3. Plan It

It’s crazy, but something as easy as making a dinner reservation makes a big difference to women, so my recommendation would be to not just show up. Take a few minutes, and plan in advance. Make reservations, find out important information, and when you arrive, you’ll know what’s up. That’s a turn-on to women because it also shows you are a man who is a protector and a provider; a man in control. Women want a man with a plan, a guy who has his ducks in order.

4. Make it Memorable

Finally, enjoy the work you’ve created. Engage the right brain. Focus on what she is saying, ask questions, and get to know her for the first time (if you’re already married or are in a long term relationship, make her feel like you’re getting to know her for the first time). Once again, go back to the little things that matter most. Play her favorite song, or listen to her playlist. Find a song that will define the date, and just maybe the relationship. "You just to good to be true" is an old school song that the lyrics might just touch her fantasy of a perfect date. 

Final thoughts

When you try to impress someone, it almost always comes off as a bit unnatural. After all, your date isn't there to hear your achievement stats, or listen wide-eyed as you give yourself a glowing review. They just want to get to know you, and have a natural back and forth conversation.

But this can be tricky, especially if you know the importance of first impressions. I would compare a first date to going on a job interview, as really you are interviewing each other in a way, to see if you might be compatible, Research suggests that an employer has already decided in the first minute of meeting you if they would consider hiring you. This is how quickly people make impressions, and how it shows the little things mean a lot to many people."

If that notion freaks you out, remember it's all the more reason to show up on a date knowing exactly how to give off a good impression. (Hint: it's all about confidence, positivity, and actually talking to your date.)

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