
what are you really afraid of

The Naked Truth: If you truly loved Him or her you need to learn to understand him or her! People are dealing with a lot stuff nowadays and are struggling with trust issues 

If you are struggling you are part of a group of folks, who are also struggling 
I still remember when my marriage Ora subsequent relationships ended Each one slightly differently however they all ended and I think the women all remained single to this day.
It is not that they could not start new relationships, they chose not to. I found it strange, since I was not the person who ended each relationship, they did. I found that moving on was possible to the next relationships after a year or so. Maybe because I had no regrets.
I always respected their right to end things, so when they did I had no problem with moving on.

Final thought.
I found that for men moving on is a bit easier, if we didn't get too hung up on things we needed to let go of. When a relationship falls apart,there is no easy way to break someone's heart. They might resent you for a long time after. However if there is no resentment  or regret each person will feel free to move on and start a happy life with someone new.

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