
If you are committed to it, you can fix it.....

If people aren’t perfect, relationships can’t be perfect. There will be things said and done that will be sweet and bitter. There will be good days and bad days, richer days and poorer days, sick days and healthy days.
I must admit this pic got me thinking, what happens to us Men when we need to clean up our messy lives? We usually don't ask for help or we get help and advise from the wrong sources. More often than not we deal with our problems in a negative way and  in the wrong places. Like  turning to mind altering drugs and living in the 'Bottle' local bars,   drinking instead of being home with a 'Loving Queen'  who God  created to be at your side and protect you. Yes, just like in Chess, the game of planning and making the right moves. The King goes down and the game is over. The Queen protect and tries to prevent the King from destruction . We play life of Chess with Checkers rules, making moves that don't make sense.

I have seen it first hand. I see it happening every day, just look at how many relationships fail because good men don let their Queens protect them from themselves.  We are men and we don't need help from the person who is you life partner, we want a servant to wait on us hand and foot and never question us. But when we are failing we don't look for help from the person who vowed to standby us through good and BAD, for richer or poorer, Sickness and health.
We have lost the meaning of what those Vows mean they are not just words they should be practices. When a relationship fail it is because neither Men or Women refer to their vows before calling it quits...... It has become so simple to cancel a contract legally. We finalize the process in the Courts that started at the alter witness by God,our families and friends.

Life is about changing what isn't working, If you don't like what is happening in your relationship find away to resolve it quickly. Don't let it linger.
A poison that cause a slow death is agonizing, the antidote is in quick resolution of conflict, you need to get back to the normal happy moments you committed to.

It all starts with commitment and it should survive based on continuous commitment.
The guy pulls out the ring and the princess thinks "For me" and welcomes the gesture.
She shows off the ring to her girls who are all at the wedding but  most of them are almost never in the courts with you when you are ending the marriage. They are watching from a distance and trying to stay out of your business. LOL. Those who know what it takes to make a relationship work and last should advise others, who don't, so that we can save the next generation from copying these  destructive practices.
We need to copy our Grand parents who are the right examples on how to do it right.  They often made it last,  way into their later years, where they have someone who Loves them  by their  side saving  and comforting each other. They vowed to stick it out and didn't quit when thinks got tough.

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