
Woman can act like a Lady (male definition or female definition), but will not think like a man

Here is WHY, I believe that the book and the movie is dealing with fictional issues , but not realistic events.
No woman will see the humor in this wedding cake  picture. Whereas A guy married or single can get with his boys and laugh at this being a good prank to have the caterer send this cake to his wedding ceremony. But no Woman even his mother and female family members will see the humor in this implied escape from captivity, even if they don’t like his bride of choice. If a guy with his boys ever called the caterer and suggest the creation of this cake  the woman in his family and her family will shoot the caterer  for even entertaining this as a funny joke. To them this is a symbol of men not wanting to be tied down to commitment and vows.
This is ‘Not FUNNY’ to women. They just can’t laugh at this!

Exhibit I
Another Point and case is a man getting Tired of dealing with a woman’s issues.
Fellas will see another fella in a crowd with this T-shirt and comment “I know exactly what that dude is talking about”, while his Lady will not understand how a man could ever feel this way about his woman!

Exhibit II

Exhibit III
Men can entertain the idea of being with a woman whom they see as useless for the most part as long she looks good. But women can’t be with  a man that can’t do the  things she wants…. done

All men single and Married would Love to have his  remote control that he can press a button and get what he wants when he point it at his girlfriend  or wife.
Exhibit IV
If a single guy had the 2 button remote sitting on his coffee table his boys would have a good laugh and want to borrow it, while no girl friend would come over and see it as something funny.
If a married Man had the multi-button remote even hidden in his desk or night stand he would not be able to get his wife to even crack a smile when he points it at her and press one of the buttons. No matter which one he pressed it would not be funny to her. The thought that she could be controlled with a remote, is simply not even a thought that she would entertain… as a possibility!

So after displaying these 3 examples as to why woman will never think like a man, (humor is necessary to think like a man. ) IF they can’t see what men see as funny they will never be able to embrace what men think as their own thoughts. I rest my case.
Steve Harvey, may be the best salesman on selling this message in his book and have a movie created on the subjects. Folks will buy into it as a entertainment possibility.  I however know better, by knowing that women can’t single file their thoughts. As soon as a thought is tied to an emotion it is not longer a single file it has ties therefore it  becomes a female thought, and no longer is how a man thinks, therefore woman cannot think like a man.  

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