
No one says: "It's Easy like Monday morning" anymore!

The truth be told nothing is easy like that anymore especially not 'Monday mornings.' Think about it we can't wait for the weekend from the first work day of the week. If you don't have a JOB you hate Mondays even more  because Mondays remind you that you don't have an income for another week and if things don't change you will be feeling the same way next week . So 'easy like Monday morning' is an old saying that no one  says anymore. For every stay- at-home-husband this below is the Female/wife  picture you can only wish for.
If you have a girlfriend who will come over and see you after a she had a hard day at work this picture is also what you are hoping for, if you have not cleaned-up (like shaved and cleanup the kitchen) YET. Your comment to her is: "It was all good just a week ago." Are you serious? Finding ways to feel good  these days has become more and more difficult.So pickup the pieces and start mending... You can be very lonely if you blow it any further. Try this line: "I' a man I make mistakes" maybe she will see your potential and hang in there with you a little longer. Avoid becoming' the Man in Crisis.'

When you treat someone well and it comes from the heart, you don’t expect a reward or pat on the back. But what you should expect is not to have your love, your hard earned money, and your time, taken for granted. 

When you know your worth, nothing will make you leave a relationship faster than feeling unappreciated!

~ Michael Baisden

So be the best she has ever had even if you are not feeling like the best at anything right now, i.e. make it mind over matter, performance is 60% mental 40%  physical.


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