
Happily Single, or waiting for the wrong partner?

When I talk about a woman needs to be patient in finding the right "Partner.", people ask me : What is  a right Partner? Women need to look for the appropriate attributes in a Partner (one who will toast to her,) and she should not let her past dictate her future. I am not talking to the women who prefer to be single. If that's what you want..I say go for it.  If you feel that your past has ruined it for you I don't think you would want to rain on the parade of someone who has hopes. I don't think it is  false hope, I don't think it's stupid. I think it's real. One person you cannot lie to is yourself, well you can try, but you will still feel those feelings that something is missing in your life. If you are "happy single," happy not looking, and happy with living in this World without a great partner..... please don't try to ruin it for someone who isn't. Some of us are lovers of others, Some of us men want to have someone to hold and hold us up when we need it most. Your household is the first line of defense to protect you from the rest of the World. Most households need a united front...some need a singular front. When I speak on these subjects it is to the empowerment of those who actually want that life of sharing...if that  doesn't concern you...don't try to convince someone else out of their happiness. I've been saying this for years, a few that hear it believe it, while others who need to hear it are never told. Tell her she is "Amazing" only  if you mean it! 
Fellahs. Women are like flowers they need nurturing to blossom
 My take on  giving compliments  need to be shared only when appropriate.  Don't be the dude on the corner yelling out back alley compliments. Good habits are are rare these days. BAD habits are not the new Normal.
Women and men  both had have heartbreaking experiences! A man can be just as broken and broken-hearted as a woman can. We need to get out of the groove of doing evil for evil. Whether you believe it or not, once you are an adult you allow every situation you put yourself into. Good or BAD. I just spoke with a new friend (Venezualan Immigrant, she stopped me as I was walking my son's dog) scared because her boyfriend is abusive..checks her phone and took it allong with her Ipad...he threatened to kill her...I gave her my phone (I'm leaving on Saturday for the Sunny Caribbean, so I will not need a throwaway cell-phone anymore)..dialed victims advocacy for her...right now she is on her way to freedom  and a safer haven. I hope all goes well for her...all I had to do was see the tears..see the bruises..and say "No more abuse to  HER...I took pictures...if ANYTHING happens to her I'm not afraid to get involved...most people abuse good people because they don't love themselves...they need to control something or somebody and they do it by fear...do not be afraid to change that which is no good for you...and do not take the things which have been bad for you and make another good person pay for it...there are many success stories of people who grow up with no good parents...been abused...been lied to, hurt, and cheated on...those people have strength and your strength can help them overcome...they are roses outta concrete....they have excuses....you should have excuses if they need your help...excuses and tricks are for kids... Pick yourself up and step to higher heights.I must admit at one point I may have had the attitude, I will not get involved in domestic abuse cases, but now I think different.. The biggest crime is when Good men stand idly by and watch wrong being done and do Nothing.  

The Choice is always yours!

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