
Stop lying to yourself, Stop mixing sex with love!

, Girls, Women, Ladies. For years I have heard many of you  speak of your desire to be the best woman you can be. which lead to men writing books like "Act like Lady, Think like a man", and others like that .  I have listened to you express your frustrations on understanding what it is you need to do for yourselves to have better and more fulfilling relationships. Today I want to help you move in a better direction so LISTEN UP!! That’s right, I’m talking to you. There are some things many of you need to stop doing if you plan to make your dream of a better you, a reality. As I walk with you on this journey, I want to encourage you to not get defensive and do not start blaming men or anyone else as to why you do what you do. Just take a deep breath and read closely.
1. Stop mixing sex with love
How many more horror stories of traumatized women, hurt feelings, and failed missions do you need to hear about or witness before you stop equating love and sex. Most men don’t do this, so why keep using sex to try to get him, keep him, or justify his existence in your life. This has not worked well at all and it is time to fully accept this fact and stop self inflicting all this damage to your hearts and feelings. I understand sex is also an emotional thing for a woman. I am in no way asking you to separate your emotions if you’re unable to. I’m saying stop getting it all mixed up. Don’t tell me you can’t tell the difference or you’re confused. NO, you are smarter than that and you know exactly what is going on, but instead you choose to do the next thing on this list that has contributed to your heart’s demise. I've heard men don't like to cuddle.... Not true. Men like to cuddle with women they want to cuddle with. So if that is not you, then dismiss him as not the one. Water (rivers flow ) flow over the rock and the rock looses it hard rugged edges and even crumble in time. So if you don't give him the time he needs to get softer when if comes to your need then you are wasting you time. take a good look at the man and ask yourself.. is he the "one"  or his he the "one I think I want" only time will reveal the answer.
2. Stop lying to yourself
Women I know the truth. You ladies are sharp and pay attention to much more detail than most men. You are very smart and very aware of your emotions. You’re always thinking and processing so you’re much better prepared for what is thrown at you because you typically think ahead. So why must you continue this pattern of lying to yourself to justify actions you know are wrong. I am not saying there are not many men that do the same, but I am not talking to the men right now, I want you to focus on you. I can give you all kinds of examples of lies you tell yourself but I will save that for another post dedicated to just that. Either way I don’t really have to tell you because you know. You may lie to your friends, family, that guy, and yourself. No matter how much you do it, you still know the truth, and you need to accept it for what it is. You aren't doing yourself any favors, and when it all hits the fan, you don’t have anybody to blame but yourself. Embrace the truth, it may hurt, and it may not be what you think you want, but it is exactly what you need. He is not the "ONE"  he is good in many areas, but if he is not good in the areas you need most then you are lie and accepting that you will never be totally satisfied. 
3. Stop letting fear consume you
That’s right, stop operating from fear so much. What you call protecting yourself, I call it fear. What you call playing it safe, I call  fear. What you call gold digging, I call a very smart business move. That was a joke, please don’t take that too seriously. Anyway, I really feel that many women far too often make decisions based on the fear of being hurt. Women also sometimes try to disguise the fear and call it love. For example, you are afraid to leave a man because you don’t want to be alone, so what do you do, out of that fear you lie to yourself and others and claim you love him to validate staying. That is just one example. What these women have to realize is that operating from fear is only making things worse for you in the long run. You need to get to a point where you can operate out of faith, and trust you will put yourself in a much better position.
A quote I just read: "If you ignore a part of yourself that is doing what it can to help you live the best life possible, you quality of life will certainly be affected!" 

There is so much more I want to say. If this wasn't a blog post I would get much deeper into this and really get at the root of the issues. You can gain further insight on this by checking out a good book God Where Is My Boaz? These issues not only affect single women,  this applies to many women in relationships as well. I also understand that men have plenty they need to stop doing, and you can check out the link below for that. I just want the women reading this to take heed to the message. Many of you may not be dealing with these specific issues, but if you are it is time to take a stand and make the necessary corrections. You know what you have been doing so far isn't really working for you, so why keep doing it. It is time to break the cycle and start moving towards a better you which will help also open the door to receiving the right person for you.
 I'm told that woman have Female Intuition----> " Intuition is an extrasensory perception or a "knowing" of something you should or shouldn't do, without any substantial proof, which is accompanied by a noticeable feeling in the body!" 
So aren't women using their God given Intuitions to make better choices?
 If I had the answer to that one I would be called Genius instead of B.A.D.
 just remember!

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