
Women think: sex that last over an hour. Is just boring'

Sex last too long? or it's just for two minutes...., you choose!


this is not. your usual female complaint in the bedroom, but some  women are  frankly bored and frustrated by their  man's constant demands to have sex that lasts over an hour.


Why do we men  think of lengthy sex is great sex? simple answer  because of Porn! clear and simple.... we want to be "long John" whatever his name is  on the XXX DVD.

Woman can  ask her man why he feels this is ‘normal’ and ‘good’ sex? It may be that he, like many of us, are used to inspirational messages in  the Western media, porn, self help books and magazine sex advice features all telling us men that ‘great’ sex should be something we do as frequently as possible for as long as possible in as many different positions as possible.

Moreover media and medical discussions of women and sex present women’s sexuality as complicated, suggesting that women are difficult to excite and require lengthy stimulation to become aroused – let alone orgasm.

So Why else might this be taking a while?

Men who are struggling to get or keep an erection may need more time for sex in order to get or stay hard. Some men take a long time to come (known as delayed ejaculation). Medications for some physical or mental health conditions and certain recreational drugs can cause problems with ejaculation and erections.

Reviewing how you both see sex and removing his orgasm as the inevitable end goal might allow him to feel more relaxed and under less pressure to ‘perform’. It might be his keenness to enjoy lengthy sex is due to him hiding fear or embarrassment about deeper sexual problems. Particularly if he fears you will judge or leave him if he can’t last for as long as possible (or if you discover he can’t orgasm easily). His GP can assist if he is struggling with erections or he thinks existing medication is getting in the way of pleasure. 

Clearer communication

He seemingly wants to please you but you’re putting to him that this isn’t pleasing you and he isn't listening – why might that be? Could it be he feels this is the right way to have sex and so can’t change the way he behaves? Perhaps he’s unsure what else you might do instead? Maybe this is a big turn on for him and he’s anxious that he won’t enjoy other kinds of sex. Perhaps this is the only sexual script he knows. Finding out about what’s driving this behavior is important.

REALITY check!
  Ladies if the above is your problem, get real and keep reading the rest of this blog post.....
Start by:
Stop complaining! 
Because...... It will take you longer to read this blog post  than it takes nearly half of all men to finish having sex. And this is a fairly medium length blog post.So consider this: If a man and a woman start having sex right now, the man will either be asleep or smoking a cigarette by the time you finish  reading the last word I've written here.
Two minutes, ladies. That’s all you’re going to get from a lot of guys these days. Two minutes.    Wowie, back in our day, fellas over 40, we were not proud of only lasting 5 minutes whenever an accusation of inadequacy popped out it's angry deflating head, and she said with an ugly voice. "Sh!t now what am I suppose to do, now that you got yours... what about mine?"  "You got batteries?"
I imagine a few women just exclaimed, “No sh!tttt, BAD!” The fact that many men don’t last long during intercourse isn't necessarily worth a breaking-news alert. But new analysis is shedding more light on the situation and on men’s sexual shortcomings (pun intended). 
According to sexual-health expert Dr. Harry Fisch, 45 percent of men have an orgasm within the first two minutes of intercourse. He calls that percentage “astonishing.” It’s also devastating for women.  
Dr. Fisch writes: “That’s pretty speedy. Way too speedy for the average woman to be able to have an orgasm. At least five minutes, or more like seven, is usually what’s needed for a woman to be able to achieve orgasm.” 
Dr. Fisch lays out his findings and advice in his book The New Naked: The Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups. In it he explains that the No. 1 question he gets from all adult couples (married and unmarried) is actually the wrong question on which they should focus.
They want to know how much sex is normal. (Dr. Fisch puts the average frequency of sexual activity at two or three times per week for most couples, with younger couples having sex more often than older couples.) But rather than fixate on frequency, Dr. Fisch argues, couples should focus on quality. He contends that if you are having an incredibly satisfying sexual experience once a week, it’s possible that you’re more fulfilled than someone having sex four times a week, if those four times are just so-so. Ultimately, it’s not about how much sex you’re having but how good the sex is that you’re having.
And undoubtedly, duration is a major factor. Even if a man performs admirably for those two glorious minutes, it’s still not going to get the job done for the majority of women. Sixty-seven percent of women in one study reported faking orgasms. The number was as high as 80 percent in other studies. There were varying reasons that women faked orgasms, but the main one was that they didn't want to hurt the man’s feelings.     
Of course, there are also legitimate health issues that can cause a man to reach climax quickly, but many men just get overly excited and can’t control themselves. I don’t care who you are—every man has wanted to take a sexual mulligan at some point in his life for one reason or another. If the first encounter with a woman doesn't go wonderfully, we can’t wait for the do-over. The last thing we want is for a woman to think we don’t know what we’re doing and then, God forbid, she tells her girlfriends. As men, we often and unnecessarily define ourselves by our sexual prowess. It’s crucial to our identity and our confidence. 
Of course, as men get older, more experienced and generally more confident, this becomes less of an issue, and we don’t feel that we have so much to prove. As the late Bernie Mac once brilliantly explained about sex as a 42-year-old man: “Three minutes! That’s all I’m giving you! That’s all the f--k I got! ... And I don’t care about you talking about me!”
Still, it’s ingrained early on and reinforced throughout our lives that our manhood is measured in part by what we do in the bedroom. Women know this and find themselves in the unenviable position of sacrificing their own satisfaction for the sake of salvaging men’s egos. That can eventually lead to frustration and unhappiness both in and out of bed. 
The simple fix: Talk. We’re all adults here, and there’s 23 hours and 58 minutes’ let after sex. worthy  of the opportunity every single day to broach this sensitive subject with your lover. 
So sit on the beach and talk and re-connect! you can over-come most short comings if you just communicate.

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