
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears!

Before you see this blog as female bashing... permit me to repeat the caption:  "The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair."
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart the place where love resides. ~ Audrey Hepburn. in her soul.( I added that last part).
However if you are suffering from "Attention Deficit Disorder" ---- A-D-D!

You suffer from a lack of attention  and it is causing you to act out of ORDER( just for quick reference" what do you do when you see a sign that says "out of Order" ... you turn around and walk away and try to find one that is working perfectly) . Breast hanging out on Facebook, skirt barely concealing your Butt. Disorderly conduct. Grown women, suffering from “Attention Deficit Disorder”.
I WISH there was a medication that I could prescribe to curb your desperate desire for the attention of a man at any cost.a new -Ritalin that raises standards. The Side affects “could cause a sudden surge of self-worth”.
Tell me what  WON’T you do to get a man to look at you? I will give you a minute to ponder that thought. It appears that anything goes, off with the clothes. You have misdiagnosed your behavior as HIGH SELF ESTEEM, PRIDE…”You work it , twerk  it”. So you work-out to show all of Facebook how tight your butt has now become ? Why would strange men care other than to lust after it for fun, take a moment to try and get “some”? Do you need validation of your looks, your sexuality, physical appeal from total strangers? Attention Deficit Disorder. Standing in the bathroom, the place of ultimate privacy….you snap pictures of YOURSELF in various stages of undress.

- Attention Deficit Disorder. You don’t care where or how they SEE you, you must be SEEN. Feeling invisible, unwanted, you MUST have something that a man will notice. Lets try this and this and this. Lips full and red promising pleasure. Bend over on the bed legs spread. Not enough hits or likes or better yet shares. Take it all off, add a phone # a personal email address. Anything, anybody, Perverts, Predators…."please notice  me." Come on now  "You see, (guys) I am suffering here," I have not had MY medication, your validation. If you don’t tell me that I am beautiful, how will I ever know….for sure. I am a Woman Who Wants MORE, just some MORE, just enough. Lust for me, come for me, use me…at least once ..... YOU SEE, that I exist. I will continue to SCREAM with my BUTT, Show off with MY BREAST, RANT AND RAVE until you NOTICE me,  Attention Deficit Disorder-ADD- or better yet ADHD  Attention deficit Hysterical Dis-order. Is there a Doctor in the House? The Great Physician. Dr. Jehovah Rafa, can you prescribe a pill for self-hate ? A shot of self-respect ? We suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. Dr. Shalom, can we get a prescription for some inner peace? We are dying to be noticed, crying to be noticed. Blindness has set in and we don’t see ourselves as we are. Beautiful, priceless and perfect. Born in the image of our Father. Open our eyes so that we may seek attention from YOU, the God of ORDER in whom there are NO deficits.
I have not had my medication, your validation.

Now let put it in simple terms you can understand. You are raising daughters to be just like you! with your messed up values! your lack of self R-E-S-P -E-C-T!
you have  A-D-D, and A-D-H-D and your kid will also!


I placed this old tune video below just to show that men think differently about the women we REALLY  want...to have a life with.  it may sound really old-school,  like from  back in your grand-daddy's day. but  real men have not changed... it'sf time for you to become a real woman and change to someone with REAL values!

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