Any man who is serious about pursuing his dream must make sacrifices and work long hours. If his woman is not his biggest cheerleader then what good is she? When times get tough, a man needs a woman in his corner who will put her arms around him and say, “Hang in there, baby, you can do it!” Some women have supported their men financially, some have provided important contacts, and others have put in time to help build the business.
A woman from New York put it this way. “An ambitious man will never be happy unless he’s pursuing something worthwhile, so why not support him and help make himself successful? Then you both win!” Unfortunately, some women are afraid to see their men succeed. They worry that as soon as he “makes it” he will leave the marriage or relationship. My response to that is simple. Never help your man expecting something in return. That’s not being genuine. If you truly love your man, you want to see him win regardless if you stay together or not. This is a classic case of women claiming to love their men unconditionally while at the same time expecting a payoff for the time they put in. In many ways, women can be just as selfish as men. They just don’t want to admit it.
Excerpt from the book, Never Satisfied: How And Why Men Cheat
From My perspective: for too many years women have expected their man to have their back. However they would rather fly solo if they are successful career women. Slogan's like "I don't need a man, "I can do bad all by myself". Which is totally contrary to what you are really thinking and saying in private. Because when you start doing badly you are wishing for "Prince Charming" to come along and rescue you. He may even need to have a cape, even if it's just in your mind. Like in the in the above paragraph where Micheal Baisden writes about the modern World. A woman from New York put it this way. “An ambitious man will never be happy unless he’s pursuing something worthwhile, so why not support him and help make himself successful? Then you both win!”
Please note she is thinking go along for the ride because he will be a success faster if you are encouraging him, and then you share in his success. But how often do you hear a woman express the opposite when she has a dream of success, that she needs to do well so that she can share her success with her man. These gender specific ideas and rolls continue to keep most couples back in the 20th century mindset.
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Allow me to toast to our success! |
Women are running companies, they are even running for presidents and Premiers of countries and a whole lot more. Only when their husbands die do we realize that he was a force (behind the scene, helping her to succeed), for example: Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘Lean In’ . I guess President Bill Clinton and Hillary, Michele and President Obama are rewriting the scripts for the next generation. We can only hope that their team work shows us that two great people can flip rolls as public figures and be strong supporters of their spouse efforts .... Let's see if the next generations will get a clue.... . Gender specific rolls are and should be passed tense. "Ride or die" is a term, as I see it , that should describe as an old wild wild west movie. My version "support your partner or die" it does not rhyme but you get the picture!
Women want intimacy/support and affirmation these days on their terms , but seldom realize that infelicity by their men is often caused by of lack of intimacy/support and affirmation that men want on their terms. Even continuous talking about it will not change it. only compromised behaviors will........
If you are not willing to compromise... then just start
I had been having serious issues with my husband and we had been married for 3 year with a baby, He just suddenly changed and started cheating on me on several occasion, He was hurting me in so many ways I never thought possible. I was at the stage of loosing my marriage. I discussed my situation with my best friend and she highly recommend I contact Dr Oshun the spiritualist for help. which I humbly did, I demanded a love spell from the Doctor. With hope and faith everything went to a whole new direction after he finished the love spell. I got everything I wanted and wished for, my husband is back to the man I got married to. You can contact Dr Oshun, because he saved my marriage from crashing.