
So now You know that being alone is not what you really wanted. Right?

So how long has it been since you became single?

Every so often we men may attend a social event and see a woman and think to ourselves

“there is no way she  is single.” 

Our instincts tell us if she looks this good she must have a man. OK maybe she had one but

she may not anymore. Why do we assume that she must be in a relationship maybe because

we feel that attractive women in their prime years will attract someone.

Unless she is rejecting every dude that  steps to her. 

This came to mind, as I started writing.


While on this  roller coaster ride called “Life”

You have to take the good turns with the bad, 

Even smile when you’re sad, share love 

Appreciate what you’ve got and remember 

What you had.

Always forgive, but never forget. 

Learn from your mistakes, but never regret.

People change. Things go wrong. 

Just remember, the ride goes on,

Just hang on  you are strong!

This song was a song I remember from in the days when  I was growing up

The road is long, with  many winding turns that leads us to who knows where?

They say that faith is the ability to believe in things unseen.

What if the thing you’ve never seen is love? Can you have faith in something you’ve

never experienced? Can you hope to embody that thing you’ve never experienced

without royally messing it up? Or delivering it badly? Because you’ve never experienced it,

and you don’t really even know what it is, or how to do it? And what role does forgiveness play?

After you have been hurt. To be able to forgive is to love in- spite of being hurt.

But that implies that one must have experienced love to begin with, doesn't it?

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