
Seal the Agreement with a K.I.S.S. methodology.

There is a right time and a wrong time for most things in our lives... you will agree, and you will dis-agree with others. So try the old-fashion  method of fighting fairly. Agree and seal in with a K.I.S.S., agree that you will agree to dis-agree and seal it a K.I.S.S. This not rocket science, this a stealth operation. The other person will never see it coming, but it may turn a frown into a smile. They will be disarmed before they know it. You will not attack with deadly force.. nothing destroys a relationship faster than dis-agreements, men would be less likely to walk out on a woman, if this method is applied. Women will be less likely to drop a man. If they sealed their actions with a K.I.S.S. methodology.

Just in case  you don't know K.I.S.S. Stands for Keep It Simple Stupid ( if you are a man) and Keep It Simple Silly ( if you are a woman). A very wise man once told me; “son never argue with a woman, you will not win.”  He was my dad, He was very playful whenever  him and my mother got into an argument. She would rant and rave, and he would joke about whatever issue she was mad about. She would chase him around the room with a belt in hand (as if he was her kid), and he would just keep laughing (not taunting, just laughing) occasionally cracking a joke, which made her calm down eventually, and they would both be laughing in the end. Fights never lasted very long between them, because they both stopped making the issue a deal breaker. I'm not sure why my dad was able to laugh while taking on friendly fire. I use to think of him as being drunk, which sometimes he was, because he ran a bar for a period of time. The neighborhood bar played loud happy music (all selections were made by the dudes who hung there)  until midnight on week nights. The entire neighborhood could hear it.  I would be in bed and often fell asleep listing to  the songs they played on jukebox, which was a coin operated jukebox. This music and the bar  was the place many men went to unwind after a hard days work. Then they went home to their women. But my dad came home later, he would never drink while tending bar... he would have a drink or two after the bar closed, so he came home  with a buzz, wish made my mother mad as hell. She hated the idea of him drinking (because she thought he was drinking all night) she was wrong, he knew she had the wrong idea, but he had made a promise to his cousin ( the original owner of the bar) that he would run it until it got sold. His cousin had retired and relocated back to his original home the place of his birth, St. Maarten. My dad and him were very close, my mom hated that agreement my dad made with his cousin, because she felt that alcohol  would kill her husband, like it killed most of his male relatives. My dad worked in construction all day and then would go and run the bar until midnight.  She took matters in her own hands and  sent her in-law a very strongly worded  letter; stating that this agreement needed to come to an end soon, because she was not willing to put up with a drunk husband every night. My dad's cousin agreed, and made arrangement to sell the bar, ASAP. Freeing my Dad from the promised he made. You see my dad was a carpenter( who was a specialist in roofing, he would walk a tightrope on beams all day long never losing his balance; he had always worked very hard thought his entire life. Physical work was very taxing, so he was  getting tired of doing the same thing for a living, year after year. That slight break in his routing was a good thing, it may have caused him to out live my mother by 20 years. The K.I.S.S. Method worked well for my parents, because my mother was able to get what she wanted, which was getting her husband to return to the route she had got used to. He would get home at 5:00 pm every evening from work. The bar changed that and she hated the thought she had lost her husband to a lifestyle she hated. She didn't loose him, he needed a break from what he had been doing since he was a teenager. He knew it would not be forever. So when it ended, he was happy also, because the disagreements stopped, and he went back to doing what he was very good at (balancing on rafters). The K.I.S.S. Method  allowed both my parents to get what they wanted. I learned a valuable  lesson from this. Even though it took me years to understand that my dad's method was the  K.I.S.S. method, my method for years was not like my dad's (even though our birthday's were 2 days apart.) I believed that I ran my life ( after watching my very strong mother, almost always getting her way) I thought my dad was too easy going. This is why his marriage lasted 45 years until my mother died.  Mine lasted 25 years so emulated half of what I learned from him. My wife could make suggestion but she could never push me to do anything.   I strongly believed that my father, a very strong physical man allowed my mother to run his life... which was not true. I didn't understand while growing up that my dad was a master at compromising.

Maybe now that I understand it better; I might be a better man, and agree that I'm not always right, And Seal all agreement and dis-agreements with a  K.I.S.S.

BTW my dad's initials were M.C.D.----May he rest in Peace----which I now interpret as Master Compromised Deals!
Try holding hands while enjoying peaceful moments, and find ways to be able to  M.C.D.
 and seal it with a  K.I..S.S agreements.

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