
How to Avoid Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Person

having regrets indicates unfinished business!
Every woman (like every man) is the sum total of  life experiences. As such, she may unwittingly waste her time with the wrong guys if her life experiences have not provided her with wisdom and a consciousness of her basic needs. The most positive effort to avoid wasting time with the wrong guys is to “Know thyself.” This sometimes takes a combination of relationship advice, relationship counseling and, for some women, relationship therapy. While women can turn to counseling. therapy, or just ladies "Exhale sessions". Men on the other hand usually deal with wasted time in Solo sessions, experience is our best teacher.therefore men don't always handle it in the best way possible. 

The Woman and the Well
Looks like he looking deep into her soul 
Each woman is like a deep well. Like a well, she can be overflowing with pure spring water or, if her life experiences have been negative, her well might have run dry or poisoned. It’s important to recognize the one overriding feature of all wells: they run deep. So too, do women’s emotions. Emotions can be misleading. Emotions may lead a woman to believe she is in love, when, in reality, she is infatuated. The woman and the well may allow emotions to overflow and run dry. This is to be avoided at all costs. Always leave enough in your “well” to replenish your resources. We often hear that  men are shallow , superficial etc. that is not always true. Men do have emotions that we do not show to others ... mainly the opposite sex. this started when boys were often told "stop crying like baby or a girl." So men internalize hurt. or choose to  act out with aggression... to prove that they are not hurt.   

The Human Recipe
All human beings are comprised of the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and metaphysical elements that affect our decisions. Good physical and mental health is always solid foundations for good relationships. Though some relate “spiritual” to religion, it may be learning who and what your true spirit is and has always been in order to advance your life experiences with guys. For many women, emotions can be destructive or productive. Unless, women can clearly recognize their judgments with regard to their emotional basis, some women find they waste time on the wrong guys. Women should ask themselves, “Are these feelings mainly emotion?” This is how many women separate themselves from men who waste their time. The human recipe and the “ingredients” of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and metaphysical instruct women on how to make choices.
We are cooking!
News flash: Men do not see a woman as a waste of time... Men see spending time, like spending currency, the more a man spends the more he is willing to conclude that it is well spent or charts it  as a loss, and writes it off as Bad debt, never to be recovered.   

Wrong People  Waste Your Time
There’s a very simple method to uncovering wrong guys who waste your time: imagine yourself with the guys in question as your life partner of 50 years. How much of these guys characters can you live your entire lifetime with? This is one way to hasten your decision on which guys are worth your time and effort and which are not. It’s important to be honest about your feelings. If you are unsure, there’s always time to reflect, meditate and look deeply inside yourself for answers. In the final Analysis, none of us can see 50 years down the road. So thinking you can handle everything that comes for 50 years.. is asking someone to travel to the milky-way and back in  a matter of seconds. The  experiences are the only things that will provide clear answers to any questions. 
The way you see people is the way you treat them,
and the way you treat them is what they become.”

—Jon Wolfgang von Goethe

I would like to state one more thing.  I think this is very important... men are visual creatures... we see you now as you are and hope that what we like/ love about you  does not change. Even though we know that it will change. The changes that we see coming on the horizon is what, for some men, will cause a loss of interest ( pre-maturely). But that is not always the case.... Men will not always jump ship... just because you gain some extra pounds.. but hearing you down grade yourself will high-lite  what is changing.  If a woman is a confident woman and remains self confident  them  a good man will recognize her best qualities and continue to admire those qualities... Deserved admiration over long periods of time  will not fade!  

Try going forward without out false expectations. Change is guaranteed nothing else is.  

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