
There’s good sex and then there’s sex that blows your mind!

Great sex begins with chemistry. It’s that natural attraction and passionate desire to want to devour each other. Great sex is also having the perfect kiss. I don’t know about you but if the kiss doesn’t work my desire to have sex goes downhill fast! So, what’s the point? The difference between good sex and great sex is being unselfish. Making sure your partner is satisfied first is the best kind of competition.

And while all this physical activity is taking place there must be a deep connection that bonds you, not just sweating and jumping up and down on each other. Some people see this kind of connection as more than just sex, it’s spiritual. If you’ve been there you know what I’m taking about. If not, you’re probably with the wrong partner, so keep searching. ~ Michael Baisden

My perspective: The above description  often results in  " toe curling Orgasms," you know  the kind of Orgasm that leave you totally spent. Oooh wow, so you don't know what I'm talking about!? When two people are in perfect rhythm, your energy-flow meets his/hers and  all is so fantastically in rhythm , no thoughts about anything other than what is going down with you both being "One" and therefore it is steaming hot like  Lava. This is not a freaky dicky  session. It's that Love connection  you may  have seen in a movie  scenes that you think: "Oooh hell, that is just  a fantasy!" But guess what if you find it, with someone, then that fantasy just became your reality.... which can be  repeated over  and over again with that special person. So why is it that most younger folks of the current generations are not experiencing this? A very simple fact... they are not living to connect with each other, they are bouncing from one bed to another or even a  back seat of the car experiences. OK that was the case back in the day also.  Look at your music/rap videos, Kids today refer to making Love, correction having sex  as "smashing", "banging"... "F#cking, " I rest my case. women do not  want to think of themselves in a sex-war. 
We old school dudes understand that, after years of screwing up our relationships, we know Love is about rhythm and not Banging, and smashing. 
We know "There are a Million ways to please a woman".. so we need  to keep   finding new ways.  The same old , same old.... becomes older than old  and very stale. Faking orgasms isn't all that uncommon either. In fact, 60 percent of women have put on a show at one time or another without actually getting what they, ah, came for. Doing so can be both a symptom and a cause of intimacy issues and lack of communication in a relationship. Faking it doesn't help either party involved — the most obvious reason being that if your partner thinks you're good to go, then he or she will stop trying, which means you'll both miss out on your big finish. and you will not cum, and may have to wait until  he comes back next time. SMH!
Now wait Let's Just be  friends! 

Think about this....... you hear him/her say  "Let's Just be  friends"  we men get instantly turned off as if that kind of connection is a Bad thing, but it should turn us on, instead.  Here is where friendship first  can be the best thing... Practice makes perfect, right?  Wrong, practice makes consistent! Having more sex (with a best friend)  can lead to better sex because it boosts your self-confidence, brings you closer to your partner ( friend with benefits ) , and makes you overall healthier and happier. The happier you are to have sex, the better it will be! 
Can men and women really be "just friends in  any situation?"  
Is the idea of a pure, platonic relationships between non-related, heterosexual men and women a myth? For the most part, it would seem  the answer is " yes" and the reason is deeply rooted in the evolution soil of the species.  
Thanks to the writings of John Gray, many of us now know some of the " mars/Venus" generalizations such as men typically use language as a tool of solving problems while women us it as a way to promote intimacy. Indeed, while other gender stereotypes might be valid, such as it's easier to women to define intimate relationships men as non-sexual than vice-versa, individual differences among people will always provide exceptional cases. thus, some women might have a more " masculine" approach to heterosexual friends than average and some men might relate to friends in a more stereo typically " feminine" manner than most.
Never the less, here's the crux of the matter: Within these boundaries of gender generalizations, the vast majority of past-pubescent, heterosexual men will invariably have a sexual desirability "reflex" upon seeing a female of reproductive age. this the immediate discrimination that a male will make when encountering a female is whether or not he'd  like to have sex with her. While women might acknowledge the sexual "reflex" too, it is likely that they can quickly get past it and focus on the non-sexual aspects of the male with whom they're relating. 
The season for this phenomena are inextricable to our species' evolution. On the one hand, sperm is physiologically cheap, extremely plentiful. and constantly replenished. therefore the more often and diversely a male spreads his sperm the more evolutionary successful he'll be. Ova, on the other hand, are very precious, metabolically expensive, and can not be replenished ( a woman is born with all the eggs she'll ever have )
this is great we each just enjoyed the best sex
with our best friend. 

What's more. women must assume the physical, emotional and metabolic demands of pregnancy. Hence, unlike most men who will gladly provide their sperm with little thought about it, evolution has shaped most women to be protective of their eggs and relatively discriminating of their sexual partners. 
These women are more able to move beyond the immediate sexual attraction inherent in inter-gender relationships so they can more  thoroughly determine the overall suitability of a potential mate. Men  it seems, often have no such long-term agenda so the " one track mind" of sexual interest persist much longer. 
YOU have a "one track mind"

 In general, then one can say that men are very sexually " reflexive" while women are apt to be more sexually  "reflective!"
This helps explain why men often misread women's friendly signals as invitations for sex and why so many women are shocked when a male " friend  comes on to them sexually, interestingly, the recent trends of " friends with benefits" and " hooking up" seem to acknowledge the sexual gravity that exist within heterosexual relationships, this, in turn, allows many people to be " friends" without pretending the sexual elephant isn't in the room or to simply have casual sex without regrets. 

Unfortunately, for the evolutionary reasons out lined above, "FWB" and/or "hooking up" is usually okay with men while most of the time fulfilling for women who, despite their seemingly casual sexual encounters, are genetically predisposed to cultivate deeper, lasting relationships! 
There are Million ways to please a woman!

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