
Witnessing your Child's birth is Not for the faint of heart!

Do you think he will be there to support me
 during the birth of our children? 
Ladies, this is something I have experience in (so this blog is personal,)  I've been present twice for the delivery of my two sons. it might explain why I'm still so very close to them. My love for them is unconditional. As a man I  feel like I had more of a hand in them coming into the World, instead of being just a sperm supplier.
Childbirth can be pretty scary, especially for first time moms and even more  scary for the man who is asked to be in the delivery room.  The  support of a partner is extremely important. However, young mom-to-be could find herself without her husband’s support when she gives birth . Why? simple! Not all  husbands are able to handle it, and might refuse to be present in the delivery room when she gives birth.
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Please don't come too early
When a woman  is  34 weeks pregnant.... panic set's in , and her husband might  be  refusing to be in the delivery room when she give birth, because he is even more scared than she is. This may also happens to be their first child, so even though her  pregnancy is completely normal and healthy, she is extra nervous because all of this is new for her . She really would like her husband support. She knows that he can’t assist with the birth, but just having him there would mean everything to her.  Now I know this because I experienced it as my first son's  birth it was exciting to me and I wanted to be there, and I was  present... but thoughts that were floating around in my head were just mind blowing.  .
Going  full term takes longer than either of you think!
As a  husband I was  fully aware of the fact that she wanted me  in the room, so being  hell bent on not being there was not an option in my case, because it would have  added to her stress, she already had blood pressure issues. Please note. My first son was premature. she was  in her  7th month of pregnancy.  So anything could go wrong. I knew that my mom had a still birth before she had me (in her 40s) , this was going through my mind like a tornado spinning around.  My wife's  mother also had issues while giving birth to her.  I thought about how I  could  make it easier for my first born to have a chance to make it, so I had to be there to make a difference. This is all it took for me to make the decision to be there, and be as supportive as I could be. Of course, preparing to give birth to  her second  child wasn’t as  overwhelming because she had experience this time around , but this whole situation of a C-section was freaking me out a bit.. being present for  my  second son's birth was a no-brainer, because I was the one who insisted that we have two children at least. she made me wait 5+ years before she was willing to do it again. so I had to be there to help as much as I could... But I was not completely ready for the C-section procedure. The needle used to administer the epidural was so long  it  almost made me pass out. Lucky I didn't, but I was close to fainting.. when I saw it going into her spine.
I got  both of you!
 We talked about this  prior to the ninth  month, but I don’t feel like anything I said at that point was going to convince her that I was not ready to see that process. But I'm proud to say I survived all of  it and now I can write about it with no regrets! I would like to think that my relationship,  by  being there from the first cry of each of my sons has made  me closer to them  even after.. I moved 1,300 miles away, after they are now   grown men. I wrote this post  on my my  ex-wife's birthday. Honoring her sacrifices of being a great Loving mother to our sons.

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