The Webster’s Dictionary defines respect as: to take notice of; to regard with special attention; to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for; to heed; to consider worthy of esteem; to regard with honor.
It is clear that no man can be the king of his castle without respect. If his woman won’t submit to his authority then how can he move the family forward as the leader? Now, keep in mind, I’m only referring to good men, not the cheaters, not the players, and not the irresponsible boys masquerading as men. With that being said, why are some women so adamantly against the word submission? It does not mean to abuse. It merely implies that a woman should yield to her man, to comply with the decision he has made. The responsibility of the woman is to choose a man whose decision-making she trusts in the first place, and to choose a man who is wise enough to consult her before making important decisions. But once her choice is made, both people cannot have the last word. Both people cannot lead! Someone has to submit!
It’s amazing to me that on one hand these same women who are dead set against submission have no problem submitting to the pastor at church or their bosses at work. They are careful to use a respectful tone and to comply with whatever direction they are given by these men; how-ever, the man who has committed to them as a life partner often gets less respect than these men who have no stake whatsoever in her well-being. These are also the same women who are shocked when they discover their man is cheating with a less attractive and less educated woman. Well, guess what? She may not be beautiful or have a degree but she understood how to talk to him and how to treat him. Equality may sound idealistic but the reality is we all have a role to play; my advice for women is to find yours and stop picking and choosing when to play wife. ~ Michael Baisden
Excerpt from the book, Never Satisfied: How And Why Men Cheat!
My perspective is based on experience:
I like to think about waterfalls when I'm trying to figure out how some things happen and why. When you have one stream flowing into a pool. that pool will only receive water from that one source. However if you have multiple streams as sources of water flowing into a pool, lake, pond you have elements being brought from various sources, whatever each stream pick up along the way it drops into the pool of water ( other folks experiences.... good or bad). People often become a product of the sources that supply them. for example: your lady hears from her girlfriends, sisters and even brothers all that is wrong with their relationships, hears from her guy all that is going wrong with her relationship with him .. sometimes he might tel her what is "right "but most often it's negative feedback (complaints). What she hear in the beginning was sweet compliments but after a short while it changes. She combines this with all that she gets from reality shows, Divorce court... and other negative source of energy flowing into her pool.

Think about what you will do for LOVE. You should Try everything for Love and you don't give up!
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