
Your emotions flows over! Especially during Valentines day!

I just need to STOP these critics from interrupting my thoughts.
This is my version of Think like a man, just learn to put things in compartments and address then in order of importance!
Do you want to know what's the worst noise in the world ?  It trumps the high-pitched squeal of an old-school dial-up modem, tires screeching on a dry pavement and any drill you encounter at the dentist’s office.  I’m talking about your inner critic. Deeper than any audible sound, your inner critic is that devil of a voice that cuts to your core and jumps into your consciousness at a moment’s notice, reminding you that you might have tackled this small feat, but you butchered that big one, royally. The voice stands at attention, ready to wreak havoc, birth fear, doubt, and loathing, just because!  And it needs to die.
But chances are, you may not be able to send your inner critic to an early grave.  You are human, after all, and you’re equipped with this thing called a brain, replete with firing synapses that will pop off whenever they damn well please.  Which basically means that it’s kind of impossible to control when an inner critical thought occurs.  Short of magically acquiring that What Women Want ability so you can hear other people’s thoughts and take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone, there’s a method that’s way more feasible (and less cumbersome) to find some peace of mind.
It’s called the clap-back.  Not a new invention, but if you need some pointers and helpful tips, see Amber Rose, Rihanna or Tamar Braxton for inspiration.  I think a lot of people with harsh inner critics  give that voice way too much power.  Whenever it strikes,you’re like helpless children being reprimanded by an authority figure.  And as children, most of us knew not to talk back to an adult, lest we incur serious consequences.
 Bitchelle you are driving me crazy!
Your inner critic is a mean S-O-B.  It always tells you that You're not good enough. But you should have learned to combat it by pretending the voice is coming from someone else entirely.  Clapping back to yourself, after all, is another form of negative criticism.  But imagine if a complete stranger or your worst enemy were targeting you in the same way as your inner critic You  wouldn’t tolerate anyone calling you incapable, untalented, dimwitted, unworthy or any of the other lies Bitchelle hurls at you.  Yes, give your inner critic a name.
You should  also learned to pick your battles.  You can’t respond to everything your inner critic says because 1)You have better, more important things to do and 2) some insect bites sting more than others.  Therefore, whenever You declare “challenge!” to your inner critic, it’s a strategic move.  It’s like building muscle memory. You should be  mindful of the thoughts that offend or impede you the most, you should  choose to tackle those.  Everything else is categorized as fodder.  Slowly chipping away at the thoughts that consume you will guarantee that they’ll eventually turn to dust.  Dust, you can sweep away.
Girls travel well together and support each other. Right???
You should also make a point to share whenever possible.  Your friends are your lifelines, and You know you can turn to them for support and kindness when your inner critic gets the best of you. They may not always be well equipped or willing to tell you what you think you need to hear, however.  But you should..... don’t fault them for that.  Then again, that’s not really the point.  Getting the negativity out, getting outside of your head is what matters.  Doing so can help neutralize those beyond harsh inner criticisms.  And when you share your innermost thoughts with your friends, you will always end up laughing, uplifting and comforting one another.
Hug yourself and remember
how it felt the last time you were  with someone special.
Another method you should  utilize to combat your inner critic is to drown it with positive thoughts.  That can include quotes, upbeat music or simply recalling the past and how you got through a difficult situation.Self-criticism is one thing.  It can help you make necessary adjustments and changes for the better, whether in your personal or professional life.  But an inner voice takes criticism to a mean girl level.  You should  recognize that enough hurdles exist outside of yourself.  Having an abusive inner critic makes those hurdles all the more challenging, and life is too damn short to be at war with yourself.  So you will chip away one day at a time and strive to live your best life despite the inner voice that suggests otherwise.

Happy Valentine's day!
Critical emotions will never be governed by rationality, and no matter how dark and sad it ended up being, great positive thoughts are still the closest thing to a flawless whole that you have been a part of, and should be again. After some time, your heart will slowly reform, coming back stronger.Time will pass and the darkness will eventually subside. After all, darkness is, in reality, the absence of light. New light will come, and you’ll wait in hopes that new love can take the place of the old – which it can.

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