His pants is wrinkled and his shoes, all scuffed up, they look like he works on a construction site, so how can I believe the stories he is telling me, here? |
So why do so many men lose credibility with women, from the jump? The lies we tell is never fast enough to run away from the truth, and truth will eventually catch up. We all know the best way to maintain a honest relationship with a woman is to to tell her “the truth,” she needs to be able to believe you. But we have gotten into BAD habits of hyping up our lives to impress women, so much so, that we mess things up for ourselves and others by lying about things that are trivial. If you start lying to her from the start then all your truths become questionable. That is a fact, lying to woman is never a good relationship starter. Think about why men lie, men lie to impress, men lie to get over, men lie because the truth is not sexy enough, or impressive enough, in some men's minds.
OK, I can rent this car for the weekend and then return it on Monday!
Men, these days, feel they need to pretend to be in the fake rich category, to feel like they will impress the woman they want. Rent a luxury car for the weekend, and be someone you always wanted to be. However Women want “to fall in Love with a person who can see all of their magic, and to able to remind them of it when they seem to have forgotten “
Wouldn’t this phrase be wonderful if your magic was based on false truth? Picture her reminding you of all the lies you told her and then go back and read the above phrase again. No comparison…..right? The excuse that no one is perfect has become a way of us trying to get around the fact that even your imperfections should be truths not lies. Imperfect behavior does not mean we have to lie to prove that we are worthy of her time, her affection, her trust.
Men who are reading this are maybe thinking I’m sell out. OK, but if most of us did the right things then “Men and women relationships” will improve remarkably.
Better that 50% divorces annually happen based on falsehoods, this will drop to a lower percentages, if 50% of the flawed relationships were based on truths. Men having credibility would change the World. i.e. if the USA had a current president who told the truth instead of making up lies, and having others repeat what he says to cover for his lies, we would not be as offended by him saying the things that are so offensive to many of our ears.
His behaviors as president is what got me thinking that when men speak women almost always assume it’s a lie, first, these days.
Do you think this woman just heard a lie, and is questioning if it is or isn’t the truth?
Her smile says otherwise. Well the man looks the part.
My telling her the truth causes her to smiles!
So I did the smart thing!
The following are some of the reason why men lie and argue about why they had to lie.
1. A man’s logic : “ I don’t like it when she get’s upset over the smallest things, I do or don’t tell the truth about, why I didn’t do what she expected. I feel criticized, rejected, and unaccepted.
2. Men feel they need to be accepted just the way they are. Instead we men feel women are always trying to improve us. Because we are not good enough as we are.
3. Men don’t like it when women start telling them how they should do things. They don’t feel admired. Instead they feel they are being treated like a children.
4. Men avoid and dodge situations to avoid being put down. So men lie to avoid these judgement moments.
5. A Man doesn’t like it when a woman blames him for her unhappiness. He does not feel encouraged to be her knight in shining armor. So he lies to build himself up to meet her expectations. To be labeled her “hero.” if a woman questions his motives he feels like giving up.
6. A man does not like it when his woman worries about everything that could go wrong. Making him feel like he is not trusted to do the job.
We men need to feel trusted and appreciated for our contributions to a woman security, Instead we are made to feel responsible for the woman’s anxiety.
We all know that women will find out that the story a man told was a lie, which may have been to cover up another lie.
Would you want to lose a good woman just because of all to many lies?
Therein lies the biggest problem. Men rarely say “I’m sorry, I lied to you”
So women stop feeling that the lies will never stop. Lie to her once and you previous truth is questioned and analyzed, put in the same box as the lie you just told.
Do you really think I believe what you are telling me?
Women need to feel validated…so if you value having her in your life , she wants to believe you will not lie to her.
Hey, wait wasn’t that the car he was driving last weekend,
same license plate number,
But that surely isn’t him driving it now.
I knew I could not believe what he was telling me!
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