
So why are beards so special NOW


When I saw a post. It got me thinking about my two sons, and me and my father. My dad never grew a beard or a moustache. Because my mother did not like the look. My mom and Dad RIP believeman with a beard comes with baggage. He’ll be accused of harboring bacteria and grossing out women." I've had a moustache for decades, but I grew it when I started dating an older girlfriend  because I looked so very young , I'm not sure who liked it or not because none of my EX(s) comment on it much. But both of my sons have full grown facial hair. their ladies seem to like their looks. Indeed, the popularity of beards has held steady because they make men look sexy and stylish, They garner a ton of compliments and are appealing to potential partners. In a 2016 a study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Dixson discovered that women find men with facial hair more attractive than those without.
The real reason men grow beards.

You might think all the facial hair you’re seeing on the street is a way of attracting a mate. It might not be so simple.

What is the point of a beard, evolutionarily speaking? Children, women, and a whole bunch of men manage just fine without one. But take a walk down some streets these days and you’ll be confronted with all sizes and shapes of groomed (and less groomed) facial hair – from designer stubble to waxed moustaches and hipster beards.

When we see men paying attention to their appearance, it’s easy to assume that they’re just angling for partners. But  research on beards and voices shows that beards probably evolved at least partly to help men boost their standing among other men.

Compared to males and females of many other primates, men and women on average look very different from each other – partly thanks to men’s facial hair. And when we see differences between males and females, the explanation often boils down to evolution through sexual selection – the process that favors traits that boost mating opportunities. But interestingly, women don’t seem that interested in beards. While some studies have found that women like a bit or even a lot of facial hair on men, other studies have reported that they prefer the clean-shaven look. The lack of consistent evidence means we can’t conclude that beards evolved because women were  more attracted to them.

So Are beards going out of style 2021?

Beards are still absolutely in style in 2021. However, it is not as plentiful as you may have seen in the past few years. ... When men keep their beard neat, they make other guys look like wild animals. Shave daily, clean and trim, and keep your beard in shape, because beards aren't going anywhere.

Beards Probably Don’t Have Poop In Them (But They’re Still Dirty)

First, gross. But past reports that beards were laced with fecal matter were based on a single, solitary local news report, not rigorous scientific study. Although a spokesperson from Quest Diagnostics lab in Albuquerque did tell a reporter that a few bearded volunteers had trace amounts of fecal matter in their beards (how? HOW?), these observations were not a part of any national trend. In other words, just because a couple of guys in New Mexico have poop in their beards doesn’t mean you do. But more recent research has found that beards have more bacteria than dogs do, so having a beard may warrant some extra time in the shower or an extra wipe.

Beards May Protect Men From Skin Cancer

Beards can protect men from exposure to about 90 percent of harmful ultraviolet rays, according to research from the University of Queensland in Australia. As a result, bearded guys may be less prone to skin cancer, at least on a very specific patch of their face and neck.

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