
where did we go wrong

 Relationships are a beautiful bond people share. Seeing two people in a love relationship gives you hope that something pure can exist. But reality strikes when these beautiful bonds crumble and things go wrong. We all have been there when something goes wrong and even before we can act, relationships fall apart. But the problem is we never realize what really went wrong, until it's too late. 

Here are 10 Common Things That Can Go Wrong

1. Not paying enough attention:

Although one could never really insist on keeping things as dreamy as it was in the beginning, you must never fail to pay attention at any point in time. Texting, playing or watching TV while your partner is trying to share something is rude and is going to end up in arguments. 

2. Forgetting to Compliment:

As time passes many ignore to appreciate their partners for who they are, and what they do. Sometimes those small compliments can strengthen your bond more than anything. But if you forget feeling get hurt easily  just by you breathing the wrong way.

3. Telling Lies:

While I don’t find a point in why a beautiful relationship would require one to lie, trust is the most basic block of any relationship. You let it slip and your relationship is doomed to drown.

4. Family:

Honestly speaking not all partners settle well with each other`s family and their habits. It is completely normal for you to take some time to blend in with other’s family and lifestyle. But not giving it a try or simply spending time in criticizing other’s habits and lifestyle will only worsen the situation.

5. Skipping important discussions:

If you think avoiding an argument is going to calm things down, then you are completely wrong. It is just going to build more anger in your partner and establish an idea about your lack of involvement. Sometimes it is important to discuss.

6. Keeping a tally:

A relationship will have some areas of giving up from both sides and all of us do expect it to be fair. But trying to maintain a scorecard to find if it is equal is absolutely wrong.

7. Emotional abuse:

Remember your partner genuinely loves you and trying to manipulate their emotions to get what you want is you taking advantage of them.

8. Trying to change them:

The person you are with is the person you really like. If you try to change them thinking it is going to bring some good, just beware you might lose the person you liked in the process.

9. Irresponsible:

A relationship is a mature decision in any person`s life. Once you have accepted to commit in the same, you must be open to accepting challenges and responsibilities thereafter. Acting irresponsibly all the time will only frustrate your partner.

10. Being too judgmental:

If you try to act just like all the other people out there about your partner and their choices, you cannot be special to them. While you could always give suggestions, being judgmental is just mean.


Falling in love is easier than falling out of it. The First few months of every relationship is like a fairy tale like every prince and princess has had. Everything matches, be it emotion choice of food, people, color, temper and even your favorite cartoon would be a mutual liking.

But then every fairy tale has a climax be it the entry of villain or personal misunderstandings. If you choose to not deal with an issue, then you give up your right of control over the issue and it will select the path of least resistance. We need to deal with issues. We always hope for the easy fix the one simple change that will erase a problem in a stroke. But few things in life work this way. Instead, success requires making a hundred small steps go right – one after the other, no slip-ups, no goofs, both of you  pitching in.


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