
Happiness is a choice,


Happiness is a choice,

Not a result. Nothing will make you Happy

until you choose to be happy.

No person will make you happy unless 

You Decide to be happy. 

Your happiness will not  come to you. 

It can only come from you

~ Ralph Marston

Since I believe that this quote is very acurate, I have to rethink the many  times I tryed my utmost to make a female happy, but failed miserably a few times, because during that time I was unhappy to start with. Like Chris Rock said in one of his standup comedy lines “ you can’t make a woman happy, it’s impossible”

What he did not say is that “she first has to be happy to connect with you and you both bring each other happiness!”

We  are either happy or we  are not. If a man takes up the task of making an unhappy  woman happy he will not succeed. Men get tricked into thinking that what they do for women will make them  happy … they are fools if they truly believe that. If a Women and a  man meet she has to already be happy to be a continuiously  happy woman. he can keep her happy by doing the things she likes. However if a man meets an unhappy woman no matter what he does will change her unhappiness, she has to bring her own happiness . Nothing he does will change her, until she chooses to change and be happy. Her happiness will not come to her, it has to come from her. Every woman who ended a relationship and was unhappy will bring that unhappiness into a new relationship, she first has to heal and get over her unhappiness, and turn her frown right  side up into a smile before she can enjoy the new guy that will  enjoy the hapiness coming from her.


I’m so happy now that I’ve  let go of my unhappiness!

             Think about it this way, If man walks up to a smiling woman he can keep her smiling because he met her smiling. But if a man walks up to an unhappy woman, nomatter what he does will change her mood at that mom, until she decides to change her mood herself. When her mood changes she will bring a different energy to the mix. And Vice Versa

You brought me and additional smile of happiness

 that has enhanced my happiness that caused me to smile too.

Final thought.

Many of us  have wondered why we could not make the other person we were with…. happy. The reason is very simple, you first have to be happy to bring new happiness into the life of someone else. If you are miserable you can not suddenly energize that positive energize (because the negatively is ruling that space, and where there is negative energy positive energy will not reside at  the same time, the positive  will cause a spark when it meets the negative, and may even start a fire, and not in a good way. Bodies have electromagnetic charges that stretches out about ten feet. If a negative charge encounters a positive charge. It will not turn it into positive charge, it will bounce off of the negative

Men and women who carry the weight that they failed to make their partner happy should relieve themselves of the burden because the other persons unhappiness was not their fault.


Is he causing her to smile in her dreams? The answer is “no” he is not doing it... she is happy in her own head this is causing her to smile, and his image in her head is enhancing the result but he is not physically the cause. She is choosing  to be happy

Final thoughts

MY years of analyzing why people thing that its another persons job to make them happy.. Has brought ot the simple conclussion that it was impossible to make a negative  peron happy. A negative person has to change their negative charge first, to possitive . 

But  You can make a happy (possitive) person even happier. 


Lead follow or get out of the way

A good leader takes a little more of his/her share of the blame, a little less than his/ her share of the credit. you  will experience uncomfortable  moments.You can count on it;  that is part of the process.
Anything different, new, or untried lies outside the comfort zone in the land of the uncomfortable.As you approach the edges of your comfort zone, you begin to experience a host of negative emotions: fear  guilt  unworthiness  depression   and possibly  anger.
The key is balancing your leadership.
As you pursue your goals, attempting  new and various methods  of reaching your objective.