
a lady who always sits like a lady

Tells us the facts you know about women who dresses like this and sits like a lady everytime
Ladies who dress and sit like this commands R E S P EC T. For more than one reason , they are also ussually smart.
I have always admired these ladies, they are who they are and will make us men wish that they were by our side, they are women who become wives, if you are a man who is  lucky enough  to get her attention, followed by her affection!
I can write a long blog about a lady needing to be treated as a lady, she has to start by her behaving like a lady to set the tone first. Really? enough said!

Think about it, a woman who knows her worth will not allow herself to get naked with just any man. A disciplined woman, one who puts her emotions in check will know when to say  'no' and walk away. It is known that these women are less prone to succumb to peer pressure. Just because you are in a gathering with your female friends and 80% of them are sharing experiences they've  had with men other than their husbands does not mean you should tag along and disrespect your body and marriage. 
When a man grows up respecting women that he saw as ladies usually his mother and her friends and their daughters.. He continues treating women as ladies. 
Unless he misinterpreted  her  sense of values.

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