
There Are a few of You Destroying Your Relationship Without even Knowing It?

Have you suffered continual failures in relationships? Maybe it’s time to explore yourself and your behavior. Sometimes we are our own biggest enemy, ruining relationships. After one relationship ends we do the same things in our new relationship. Do you know why? Because most of the mistakes that destroy our relationships are done unknowingly.

Are You Destroying Your Relationship Without Knowing It
Here is a list of what you might be doing that is easy to change:
• Mind reading
We often expect a lot from our partners without expressing what exactly we want. This usually occurs because we think our partner should know what we want without being told. This toxic behavior pattern can ruin a relationship.
Water is the right temperature, isn't it?
My BAD perspective: I often tell  women I have a 6th sense, not a crystal ball... this can be a BAD thing and a good thing... meaning I can feel what you are dealing with and may be able to help. It has failed me a few times as women Need an emotional crutch sometimes... so after I have spoiled her by being willing to  listen and offer comfort it becomes the New normal ... which I'm not always in the mood for, so when I say not today, or not tonight.... She start thinking I've had enough and want out. I may have had enough of the same issues. but not that I'm done with you.    
• The blame game
If you have been unfairly blaming your partner while ignoring his/her more positive traits, stop doing it or you will ruin your relationship. Saying things like, “This is all your fault!” “You should have done a or b not c,” is non-productive, hurtful, and damaging.

My BAD perspective:  i.e. it's unnecessary "drama"  remember the old adage. As you point one finger at me, the  rest are pointing  back at you. enough said! . Stop sending text msgs.  
• Becoming unattractive
There is no doubt that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but to some extent how you appear matters. Caring about your appearance lets them know they are special and deserve you at your best. Quite often opposites attract, sometimes we like people similar to us, keep in mind what they first found attractive about you, the colors they like, and other things that help you stay attractive. If your sense of humor attracted them make sure you get chances to laugh together.

My BAD perspective: Folks see you at you best when they first are attracted to you, this may be a bit superficial but it's the image that linger in the persons mind. So if you change to a less attractive "you" and say things like "  this is also me" you throw the person for a loop. Yes I don't expect you to look at your best all the time, especially if I've seen you in the morning before your combed your hair. But don't send me pics of you looking like Broom-Hilda and expect me to still think of you as beautiful, and want me to tell you a lie about how great you look..
• Constant competition with your partner
A successful relationship can develop when you support your partner instead of always competing. Competition implies you are opposing forces of your partner and don’t consider yourselves a team. A little can be healthy and fun, but competing about everything, including who is in charge and makes the rules, will induce jealousy and arrogance in your relationship which can ruin it.
My BAD perspective: "OK so who's wearing the pants here?"  this is what happens when two people refuse to compromise.. Men want to lay down the law, and women want to re-write the law... as a result. People get confuse. because men still want to be like the men of old ( the BOSS) and women are saying " I'm not my mother " " I'm the Boss too, and you are not the Boss of me!"  .
• Being dependent on your partner for your happiness
If you are dependent on your partner for your happiness or wait for them to make you happy, you are making a big mistake. If you are not happy within yourself then you can’t be happy in a relationship for long. Be happy in your partner’s happiness, don’t rely on him for yours. You will be disappointed when he/she can’t always make you happy.
flower bloom in bunches because of all the seeds that were spread!  
My BAD perspective: I would like to interview Bill Gates, and ask him just a few questions: " how did you give away half you fortune and still remain  The Richest man  in the World,  and worth more than you did before you started giving your wealth away."  Now what does that have to do with happiness? People think they will be happiest when they are being self-centered, Me, Me, Me!  so what will it take to make you happy. try giving more, and the  more you give without expecting anything in return  the more happiness/Joy will come into your life.  expecting too much  results in disappointments big time. 
• Spending out of your means
It’s good marriage advice to make a budget and stick to it. Constant complaints about not having all the luxuries and lavish lifestyle you want are going to hurt your hardworking and faithful partner’s sentiments. Big ticket items should be discussed and agreed on, and you should each have an agreed upon amount of fun money to spend as you please. Running up a lot of credit card debt is stressful on any relationship.

My BAD perspective:  Facts vs Fiction... People live above their means because of the Jones family... I have to  out do and out spend my friends, I have to make my friends jealous that I can go to China First class (with the whole family). and they can't.... But you are still unhappy when you return and can't do it again every year for years after year. Your become that couple that is up side down! 

• Dull sex life
Most of us crave physical interaction, when you repeatedly decline physical intimacy it negatively affects your relationship. Don’t use sex as a tool to control your spouse. Make time for romance and intimacy, intimacy does not always require sex. Consider giving each other massages, foot rubs, cuddling near a fire, or whatever works for you.

My BAD perspective: LOL, wanting  to have a  Porn star sex life requires a lot more energy than you have.  But when your lady says "No" repeatedly , take the time to try and figure out what's wrong. communicate  the issues that might be hampering your once very good sex life.  
• Doubting your partner
Stop speculating about your partner. If they have been busy lately it does not mean they are having an affair. Support your spouse, full faith or no faith. Doubts can put your relationship on the verge of divorce, probably not what you want. Work together and believe in each other.
My BAD perspective: If you want it all, you might not get any in the long run.  If you want attention all the time,  get in line marked "priorities", a busy and ambitious man or woman, does not  have time to baby sit your neediness. busy is as busy does.   If the person is that busy they don't have time for  an affair.  unless they are great actors.  

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